Groaning in relief, I mashed the phone back to my ear. “I got it. Good girl. You did so good.”
Thump. Clatter. “Oomph.”
I sucked in a breath, the sounds conjuring up images of her being tackled.
“I didn’t see anything!” Jess pleaded, her voice no longer right in my ear but a mere taunting echo in a place I wasn’t at.
I let out a strangled sound and squeezed my eyes shut as though I could avoid the horrific mental image of her being attacked. I wasn’t there. I wasn’t fucking there.
My eyes shot open at the sound of her voice.
“Please! No—”
The phone went dead.
“Jess!” I shouted, yanking the cell down to see remnants of the call. A call that lasted less than two minutes, but the panic it inspired would live in me forever.
Immediately, I dialed her back.
Hey, this is Jess! Why are you calling? Hang up and send me a text.
“Fuck!” I bellowed into the dark.
“What’s going on?” Prism asked. He was standing on the sidewalk with Jamie and Ryan right behind him.
“Someone is fucking with Jess,” I snarled. “Let’s go.”
“We’ll follow you,” Ryan called as I slammed the driver’s side door.
Prism opened the passenger side to get in. “Call everyone!” I yelled and then started up the Audi.
P wasn’t even buckled when I threw it into reverse, tires screeching as I peeled out of the lot. As I drove, I pulled up her location.
“She’s at the theater arts building,” I said, the engine revving as I pressed on the gas and tossed Prism the phone.
He caught it midair and glanced at the screen. “What’s she doing out there?” he asked.
“It’s rehearsal night,” I answered, impatient. “Someone was chasing her.” I took a turn so fast I felt the car lift on two wheels.
Prism grabbed the oh-shit handle above the window and hung on. “We won’t be any help to her if we’re dead.”
Resolve settled in my gut like heavy lead. It was the only thing at this point keeping me sane. “We ain’t dying tonight, P,” I vowed, the car dropping back to all four tires. “If anyone is dying tonight, it’s whoever the fuck dared to mess with what’s mine.”
Ryan: Elite 9-1-1
Jamie: Kruger is coming unglued. Something going on with Jess. All bros on deck.
Rush: Where?
*Prism shared a location with the group.*
Max: What the fuck is she doing out there?
Jamie: That fucking building.
Wes: We’re on our way.