I gave her a hard look. “Don’t sass me, woman. The only reason you’re taking that pill is because of me. The least I can do is pay for it.”
“Pretty sure it’s free at the clinic.”
The clinic. No. “I’ll take you to a doctor out in town. Who knows who’s running that clinic? Probably some quack with no degree.”
“This is Westbrook, Ben.” She reminded me. “You know they only hire the best.”
I scoffed. “I bet you half the staff around here is nuts.”
An odd look crossed her features and then her expression turned faraway. Kinda offended me, to be honest. I’d just rocked her world, and she was already daydreaming.
“You daydreaming about my dick?”
Her eyes fired to mine, and an amused sound fell out before she spoke. “What?”
“Why do you look like that?” I asked, gesturing to her face. “The only acceptable answer is that you’re daydreaming about my dick.”
“I don’t need to daydream about your dick, Ben. Your cum is literally smearing my thighs.”
I jumped up and moved down her legs, pushing them apart.
“You can’t say something that hot and expect me not to look.”
She groaned but widened her thighs so I could see. I reached down, and yep, sure enough… there I was, claiming her entrance and glistening on her thighs.
“The pill is definitely the best option here,” I deadpanned. “Because I need to see this as often as possible.”
“It could be a couple weeks for the pill to start working.” She cautioned.
I nodded. “I’ll wait, sweetheart. I’ll wait as long as it takes.” Relaxing between her legs, I let our chests brush but settled my weight on my elbows on each side of her body. “You make the appointment anywhere you want, and I’ll take you, okay?”
She was quiet a minute, then, “Ben? Do you really think some of the staff here is nuts?”
I hadn’t meant to scare her, but gazing down at her apprehensive face, I realized I had. “Hey.” I spoke softly, reaching up to brush across her cheek. “What’s that look?”
She shook her head.
“Is this about whatever I walked in on at the auditorium?”
Her eyes lifted to mine, and I saw the answer before she had to speak. I rolled off her, pushing into a sitting position, and pulled the sheet over my lower half. “What did he do?”
“He didn’t do anything, not really,” she said, but the words didn’t match her vibes.
“He did something.”
She shook her head and pushed to sit up too. I got a little distracted by her perky tits just right there on display.
“It was just… weird. Like he didn’t say a lot, but he implied it.”
The muscles in the back of my neck squeezed, and it made my temples ache. “Implied what?”
She shrugged.
I caught her chin and brought her face around, looking intently into her eyes. “I want an answer, Jessica.”
Her eyes rounded, but I didn’t relent. This was her safety. If she felt creeped out by that old tweed-wearing dude, then I was going to take that seriously.