My stomach fluttered the second I looked up. I didn’t know what it was, but seeing Ben behind the wheel of his Audi always made my insides squirm. Maybe it was the way his arm lazily stretched out and his long fingers wrapped around the steering wheel. Or maybe the way he reclined slightly with his thighs spread on the leather seat. Something about his driving screamed confidence, but not in an arrogant way. The way he sat there in calm control as the interior of the sports car sort of molded around him and the dash glowed red. One of my favorite things about Ben was that he wasn’t forceful or loud about his strength. People sometimes didn’t see it because of that.
And, well, because he made a lot of stupid jokes.
But that was the thing, wasn’t it? He didn’t care if his stupid one-liners made people think he was a pushover. He wasn’t. His inner core was shrewd and solid, so much so that he didn’t have to walk around with it on display.
I don’t think even I realized the full extent of this until we’d become fake engaged and he practically took over my life. Instinctually, I always sensed it. Probably why I’d been drawn to him since we’d met. Ben had the kind of strength I lacked my entire life, the kind of presence that screamed security. Hence, the reason I could never rip my eyes off him when he was behind the wheel, cutting through water, or doing any other thousand things. Naively, I’d thought it was just sex appeal. And yeah, partly, it was, but it went deeper. He had sex appeal because of who he was at his core.
“You keep looking at me like that, baby girl, and I’m gonna pull this car over and toss you in the back seat.”
My ears burned when I ripped my eyes away from him to glance into the tiny back seat. “We wouldn’t fit back there.”
“You underestimate the determination I have to get you naked.”
“I’ll never underestimate you, Ben,” I said, voice soft but serious. “I know what you’re capable of.”
The Audi swerved to the side of the road, abruptly gliding to a stop. After putting it in park, he hefted himself over the small center console and straddled my lap.
He was broad and muscular, the interior of this sports car not big enough for this.
“Ben.” I part gasped, part laughed.
“You haven’t kissed me in twenty minutes, final girl. I’m starved,” he said, grasping my face between both palms and diving into my mouth.
I purred, the sound vibrating between us as he claimed me deeply, the entire width of his tongue licking over mine as he angled my face so he could get even deeper. I was low in the bucket seat, his body hovering over me in a way that made me forget I was five-seven and feel I was much smaller. I was completely engulfed by his hands, his lips, and his entire body. Between us, his cock strained against his jeans, poking me in the chest like it was jealous it was still tucked away.
The crown of my head rubbed against the leather seat, and his hand trailed away from my face to caress the column of my throat, the pad of his thumb pressing hard enough to leave a tingling trail in its wake.
The interior of the car grew thick and warm, the winter air standing no chance against the heat he brought. His body was heavy in my lap, holding me hostage as we kissed as though he hadn’t just been inside me this morning.
We both gasped for air when our lips parted, but his body relaxed farther into mine.
“You’re squishing me,” I complained, but it was way less harsh in a breathless tone.
“You like it.”
He was right.
He did, however, look over his shoulder to make sure my casted ankle and foot were okay. “If you don’t want me to kiss you like that, then don’t look at me with fuck-me eyes.”
“I do not have fuck-me eyes.” I didn’t even know what that was.
“Mm,” he said, disagreeing. He wagged his eyebrows salaciously. “Want to have sex in the back seat?”
Yes. “I’m going to be late for work.”
He groaned and slid back into the driver’s seat. “You shouldn’t even be going to work at all.”
“Now is as good a time as any,” I said.
“But backseat sex, baby,” he whined.
I laughed. “Later.”
He shot me a look. It made my thighs clench. “Promise?”
“Mm.” I agreed.
My phone chimed as he was pulling back onto the road.