Is it just me, or am I being sweet-talked by a hot sheep farmer right now?
It feels good to be flirted with.
Too bad you’re secretly wishing it was someone else doing the talking…
After Norah left and Summer and I had dinner, Charlie took her to get settled in bed before the night shift nurse took over. And I don’t know why, but I took a shower, got dressed, and drove to The Country Club.
It’s just after nine, and normally, this is the last place on the planet I would come on a Friday night. People are drunk, the music is loud and slightly off-key, and I have to be careful letting myself get comfortable with booze.
But my mind is a clusterfuck, and in a town this small, I’m struggling to find anywhere else to try to sort it out.
The odd timing of my presence makes Clay do a double take.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” he comments as I take a seat across from him. “Look what the devil dragged in on a Friday night.”
“Get me a bourbon, Clay.”
“On the rocks?”
I nod. Tonight isn’t about downing a bottle in an attempt to drown myself—it’s about sipping. And thinking, I guess, even though that sounds miserable.
“You’re never going to believe this, but…” He waggles his brows as he reaches down beneath the bar and pulls out a bottle. “I have your favorite on hand tonight.”
I read the label and look up at him with wide, amused eyes. “Tell me that’s a bottle of Pappy’s, and I’ll tongue-kiss you.”
“Open wide, baby.” He winks and sets two glasses on the bar. “I just opened it last night.”
Pappy Van Winkle is the holy grail of bourbon, and it’s hard as hell to get, not to mention expensive. Only eighty-five thousand bottles of the best bourbon that will ever touch your lips are produced each year.
When we were wild and crazy teenage assholes, Clay and I used to steal this bourbon from his dad’s home bar. And when I was the old Bennett Bishop who lived life in the fast lane of New York, this was all my pretentious ass would drink.
He slides one glass to me and keeps one for himself. “Cheers, Ben.”
“Cheers,” I clink my glass against his and savor the first drink of Pappy’s I’ve had in over seven years. Smooth as silk yet still holds that delicious sting down my throat, it’s fucking perfect. “Damn, that’s good.”
“I had a feeling you’d enjoy it.” Clay grins. “Though, I really thought I’d have to bring it to your house since you’re generally a fucking hermit. What gives, man? What are you doing here tonight?”
“Figured I’d come in and enjoy open mic night.”
Clay stares at me like I’ve grown two heads. “In about three songs, Sheriff Peeler is going to be up there with his banjo, breaking bluegrass’s heart. You can’t tell me you don’t hate that shit.”
I shrug. “I needed to get out. Think.”
Clay snorts. “Well, good luck doing that here. Especially since part of what I reckon you’re planning to think about is climbing on the stage.”
I turn quickly, looking over my shoulder as Norah gets a hand up from Mikey, The Country Club’s resident DJ, and takes her spot at the mic.
What the fuck is she doing here? She said she was going to dinner with Josie.
Her hair is up in some kind of fancy bun that allows a few ringlets to frame her face, and her lips are painted red. She’s wearing a little summer dress and a pair of heels, and she’s laughing at something someone in the crowd in front of her said. It doesn’t take much scrutiny to find out who it is—fucking Tad Hanson.
She looks beautiful.
“Duuuuude,” Clay comments in a low, amused voice. “Stare any harder, and I think she might combust.”
I turn back to meet his eyes. “Shut up.”