I want to be at my house, with my girls, making sure I’m doing everything in my power to make them feel loved.
But I’m not, and it’s all because of that motherfucker who dared to think he was good enough for someone like Norah Ellis.
Stomach hot and throat tight, I make my way through the main lobby of the station and around into the small bullpen with the sheriff, where I instantly recognize the back of Thomas Conrad Michael King III.
Black slacks and a finely pressed gray-check shirt camouflage his altogether slimy character, but I know what he is, and I know it well. The truth is, I used to be a version of him—rich, conceited, careless with other people and their well-being—but I’m not anymore. I left that man behind a long time ago, and these days, I wouldn’t even recognize those parts of myself.
A primly dressed woman with an overbearing but small stature stands next to him, her red-nail-tipped fingers draped over his shoulder proudly. There’s a commotion as they turn in excitement to see my march of shame, but when they finally get turned around, I understand who she is right away.
The similarity of looks is undeniable, even with the sour expression on her face. It’s Eleanor Ellis, Norah and Josie’s mother, and it’s a real mystery how two women as amazing as them came from something as snaky as her.
Figuring I don’t have a hell of a lot to lose, I open my mouth to ask Thomas if he’s here to get his ass clocked again, but Sheriff Peeler stops me with a hard nudge to the shoulder and a shake of his head. “Be smart, Ben,” he whispers then.
I don’t want to be fucking smart. I want to let loose on these assholes with everything I’ve got. Generally, I would never even consider hitting a lady, but Eleanor Ellis, with the history I’ve heard, is so far removed from that title it’s not even funny.
I sigh heavily but comply, keeping my mouth shut in the interest of getting back to my daughter as soon as possible.
Being robbed of these final moments with her is worse than any hit to my ego could be.
Sheriff Peeler keeps walking past Thomas and Eleanor, straight to his office, surprising the shit out of me. I was expecting some kind of confrontation or, at the very least, for the duo to attempt to put their two cents of jabs in.
But for all intents and purposes, they’re left behind with their dicks in their hands.
Pete opens the door to his office, instantly revealing the back of a blond woman and a man in a suit. The man—whom I don’t recognize—stands at the sight of me and then taps the woman on the shoulder to get her attention. The first glimpse of her face knocks my world on its side.
No fucking way.
She shakes her head as she looks at me, her mouth turning up in disgust. “Well, well, Ben, you sure have changed. You tight on money these days or something?”
My anger flares. “I should ask you the same thing, Jess. Because that has to be why you’re here…to beg for more. What’s the matter? The first twenty-five million I gave you wasn’t enough?”
Her eyes sparkle, her gaze jumping from me to the fancy suit guy and back again. “So, you admit it? You bribed me to leave our daughter behind?”
“Ben, don’t answer that,” Pete advises before taking a seat behind his desk and staring the two of them down. “Now, I’ve done what you’ve asked and brought him in, but we’re not trying this thing like it’s a court of law. If you’ve got something to accuse this man of, you can do it through the proper channels and take it to trial.”
My whole body shakes as I try to control the rage inside me. Norah’s mother and her motherfucking ex had the nerve to dig up Jessica from whatever hole she’s been hiding in and convince her it’d be a good idea to fleece me for more money—or whatever the hell this is—just so they could have the upper hand.
Fuck. That. They don’t have it. No matter how much they think they do. And I sure as shit know someone who has the ultimate upper hand over them. “Pete,” I say, steeling my voice to keep it from thundering. “Call Norah, please. Tell her I need her to come down here with her letter. Tell her I need her to do it now. And tell her…I’m sorry.”
“Just do it, Pete.”
The sheriff picks up the phone on his desk, scans through some of the phone numbers written on his calendar, and then starts to dial. While I wait, the reality of what I’m asking of Norah sits heavy on my shoulders. I know I shouldn’t ask her to do this.
I hate that I’m asking her to do this.
My stomach churns over the fact that I’m robbing Norah of her choice—something that’s been done to her her whole life—but when it comes to Summer, I don’t have one either.
I don’t have time to mess around. I don’t have time to fight this any other way. I need to be with my girl, and I need these assholes gone.
“Norah, honey, it’s Pete… Uh-huh… Listen, I need you to come down to the station. Ben says you’ve got some sort of letter he needs you to bring… Yep… Okay, darlin’, see you soon.”
As he hangs up, Jessica’s face turns bitter. “Who’s that? Your newest whore?”
“Ben, don’t say it.” Sheriff Peeler stands up and throws a finger toward me, already anticipating the worst.