“No one fucking believes that, honey,” he commented.
“I like dick! I like dick a lot! We all know this!” Raven retorted. I hid my face in my hands. Jesus fucking Christ, she had no fucking filter.
“Half of Cedar Harbor knows that,” Sam muttered into his drink.
“I don’t like people who act like dicks. Especially not to my favorite guys.”
“Be careful. She might chuck a bottle at your fucking head,” I warned with a smirk. And then I glanced over my shoulder to make sure Mom didn’t hear because that’d be my fucking luck. Thank fuck she didn’t. God, was this what the next few months would be like living back at home?
The intro music for ‘Before He Cheats’ drew away my attention.
“That’s what you fuckin’ picked?” Danica demanded. “Way to make a guy feel welcome.”
“I ain’t wantin’ him to feel welcomed,” Cole growled. Yeah, Cole wasn’t adjusting to the whole Lochlan undertaking thing. I’d heard the rants. While he was doing it for his pack, he wasn’t happy.
“Okay.” Cade nodded. “I can hang with Carrie. Hell, I’ve met Carrie, and she’s cool. I can’t sing Carrie for the life of me, so you’ve been warned. This is going to suck.”
And it did. It really fucking did. Granted, no one could sing Carrie like Carrie could, but listening to Cade was something akin to auditory torture. When he finished, no one clapped quite as loud as Declan and Raven did, but we all gave him his props.
Maverick’s turn came and went. Fast. It lasted about long enough for him to walk up to the stage, lean next to the mic, and say the word no before walking away. He did it every fucking year, and just like every fucking year before, none of us argued with him. It wasn’t that Maverick couldn’t sing. He could. The guy had a fucking voice to be envious of. He’d spent much of his late teens and early twenties traveling, recording music, and making a small name for himself. He could’ve gone a lot further, but one day he showed back up in Iron Falls and that was that. Never said a fucking word about why. We asked once—well, Sam pushed the matter. Once. And ended up with a black eye and a broken collarbone for his pestering.
That was the last time anyone dared to fucking ask.
Though, there was something fucking epic about being able to walk up to a fucking mic, say one fucking word, and a whole goddamn room listened.
It did make him an easy act to follow. Danica was fucking grumpy about the whole damn thing, but honestly, that was just Danica. She hated making this trip and only did it for morale. As far as I knew, she wasn’t going to Cedar Harbor with us. Not that I blamed her. A single mom with a six-year-old, this trip was the only vacation that woman fucking got. If I were her, I wouldn’t want to be stuck with our dumbasses either for the only time off I got every year.
“You know,” Cole began as she wrapped up her song, glancing down the table at Isla, “you weren’t supposed to be here.”
He was stalling, letting Nolan hold the last slot in case my baby brother decided to back out of singing.
“Is Mr. Big and Growly telling me he’s glad I’m here?” Isla teased, and I chuckled at the scowl on his face.
“What I’m sayin’ is we picked out his song, but we ain’t picked out a song for you,” he said. “So, get your little wolf ass up there, no music from the band, and put your heart in it.”
“Oh, come on, Cole,” I cut in. That was fucking harsh. I knew he wasn’t a fan of the arrangement with Cade and Isla, but there was no fucking need to take it out on her.
“No, no, sweet thing.” She waved me off with a cocky little grin. “I know I need to prove myself.”
“Digging your own grave, Stone,” Cade commented into his beer. Okay, I was fucking curious. That interest was only piqued as the feisty little redhead grabbed my fucking guitar and proceeded to tune it.
I growled. She fucking tuned my guitar.
“Don’t worry, sweet thing, I’ve got you covered,” Isla promised. Did she though? Did she even know what to do with my fucking guitar? I wanted her hands off my goddamn guitar. “Now, Mr. Cole Stone said I needed to come up here and put my heart into it. Since we’re dedicating songs and all, I dedicate this one to my ex-fiancé, Brad, who I caught getting a blowjob from his best man. On our wedding day.”
“Oh, shit,” Axel blurted out. We chuckled but oh shit indeed. What a fucking dedication.
“Fuck Brad!” Cade and Raven yelled simultaneously.
“Fuck him, sweetie, you can do better!” Mom hollered in support. Sure, she got to swear. And Cade and Raven got to swear.
“Yeah, fuck Brad!” I echoed, testing a theory.
“Language, Killian.”
“God fucking dammit,” I grumbled and crossed my arms.
“At this point, she’s just doing it to mess with you,” Declan pointed out as Isla strummed her way into playing an acoustic version of ‘abcdefu’.