Page 276 of Wrecking Love

Lucas leaned against the door, his arms wrapped tight around Maeve. That look of terror on his face scared the crap out of me.

“We can’t get the one out of his eye,” Lane was saying. “It’s too deep and too fucking risky. I don’t have the right equipment to handle that level of damage. He needs a hospital. Tell me we have a way to get him to a real fucking hospital.”

“There’s an air ambulance inbound,” Cecelia replied. “It’s still over twenty minutes out.”

My heart thudded harder in my chest. That wasn’t enough time.

“That’s not soon enough,” he snapped. That stress in Lane’s voice. Lane didn’t seem like the kind of guy to get stressed out. Ever.

I tiptoed closer to the door to look. I had to see for myself.

A blaring sound made me jump, knocking me right out of my curious haze.

“What’s happening?” Maeve asked.

“We’re losing him,” Connor said.

Losing him? No, no, no, no.


“I know,” Cecelia snapped. I caught sight of her rushing around. “Crash cart. Now.”

The silence was deafening, overshadowed by the unmistakable sound of Nolan flatlining.

“His heart stopped…” I whispered. A sob escaped me.

He couldn’t be…

He couldn’t…

“Clear!” Cecelia practically shouted.

I only managed to see some of what was happening. The buzz of electricity, Nolan’s body arching on the table, that same unmistakable flat beep.

I prayed. I prayed harder than I had in years.

Nolan couldn’t die. He just couldn’t.

“No, no, no, no,” Maeve whispered.

“Come on, Nol,” Lucas echoed. His hand reached for me, and I took it, squeezing tight for support.

Another attempt. Another failure.

“Killian! Fuck!” Cade exclaimed. My gaze snapped to the other end of the room where Cade scrambled across the floor. My heart caught in my throat, and I lost the ability to breathe. Killian lay on the floor motionless. “He’s still breathing! Bleeding but breathing.”

Bleeding but breathing? Was that relief I felt? At least he was alive.

“Beau!” Lane snapped. “Get him!”

A faint blip sounded in the room. It was unsteady, but it counted. But for how long would Nolan hold on?

“Fuck this,” Lane said. In one swift movement, he scooped Nolan off the table. “Tell me where the nearest hospital is?”

“What the hell are you going to do?” Declan demanded, voice trembling. “Drive him?”

“I’m fucking magic, boy,” he retorted. “What hospital?”