“Yeah.” Lucas nodded, a motion echoed by Finn as well.
“Step one is to get us in there,” I continued. “From what I can tell, they’re toward the front of the fucking building. But that’s just from what I can hear. I have no fucking clue what we’re walking into, but we’re going in the back door. Step two will be to draw her out. Beau?”
“Where do you want me, boss?” Beau asked, grinning like a fucking idiot.
“Beau, you’re going to be bait,” I told him. “She’s in there, and we need her out of the fucking way. I need you to draw her away from them. Understood?”
“Think she likes love ballads?” he replied.
“No one likes love ballads sung by you. You’re tone deaf, and you change the fucking lyrics.”
“I improve the fuckin’ lyrics but point taken.”
“Remember, you’re not impervious to magic,” Lane cut in, glaring at Beau. “It didn’t work out for you. She may not be able to control you, but she can throw your ass into the fucking water.”
“She can fuckin’ try,” he scoffed.
“Step one, get us in there. Step two, Beau serenades her enough to get his ass kicked,” I said over them. “Step three is to get Genevieve and Nolan. That’s where you lot come in, you understand? Get them and get the fuck out. Cade and Gabby have got your backs, and Sam is close enough for a fast getaway.”
“What about you?” Declan asked.
“Me? I’m going to fucking kill her. This ends tonight,” I replied. I stared at Declan, watching as he crossed his arms and drew in a deep breath. I expected backlash and morality.
“You better be careful,” he said softly. “I want everyone home tonight, understand?”
“Yeah, I do.” And that was that. There wasn’t a fucking thing more we could say. “No talking, head’s up, stay ready. Lane? Take the lead.”
Lane gave a curt nod and drew his gun. The man was all business where it counted—thank fuck.
“Beau, get your sorry ass around front and wait for my signal,” he ordered. Beau offered a quick salute and vanished into the dark. “Slow and quiet, wolves. The last thing we need is you drawing her attention our way.”
I stuck close to Lane, gun in hand and ready. This part was fucking easy. This part was muscle memory. How many places had I broken into just like this? Breaching the back door was easy—maybe too easy—and painful screams greeted us.
My stomach knotted while Lane whirled on one heel, finger pressed to his mouth.
“No one move,” he hissed. I watched his face as magic swirled in his eyes. It was brief but there. Not even a minute later, somewhere on the other side of the building, Beau belted out the worst fucking song I’d ever heard. He was loud, obnoxious, and butchering lyrics. I cocked my head as I listened closer, trying to pick up the tune.
“Is he… singing Careless Whisper?” I asked, bewildered. Jesus fucking Christ, this goddamn man.
“Trying to is the key phrase,” Lane muttered. Beau did say he’d sing her a love ballad. “Man fucking loves George Michael.”
I shook my head but said nothing more. Every muscle tensed, and I felt the monster inside me screaming to be acknowledged. Not yet. I kept that phrase on repeat as I listened to Sadie storm out of the warehouse to deal with Beau.
“Fast and light on your feet,” Lane ordered. We moved quickly and silently—mostly silent. Finn damn near brained himself slipping on water.
The minute I saw Genevieve, I held a finger to my mouth to silence her as her eyes widened. Anger fucking surged through me. My poor wife. She dangled from the ceiling by a chain clamped around her wrists. Her tiptoes barely touched the ground. She looked fucking exhausted and terrified.
Over my shoulder, I motioned for Cade to follow me while Lane took charge of the others. I holstered my gun and fucking prayed I didn’t need it.
“Lift her up,” Cade said. He barely had the chance to as I wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted, bearing the brunt of her weight. Fuck, her shoulder was dislocated. I could see it in the way she winced and how it jutted out at an odd angle.
“Nolan!” Genevieve gasped. “You have to—”
“We know,” I interrupted. “We know, baby girl. They’ve got him. Just let us focus on you, okay? Let us focus on you.”
“You have to save Nolan,” she whimpered as I repositioned her and ultimately adjusted her shoulder.