Page 263 of Wrecking Love

Were they even still alive? The amount was small, but that didn’t mean shit without a body.

I shoved that thought aside. There’d be only one body. Sadie fucking Grimm wouldn’t live to regret the day she took my brother and my wife. I’d make sure of it.

Chapter 121


Hunters specialize in torture,” Lane was saying. I did my best to listen to him talk, but it was fucking torture to do so. Nolan and Genevieve were out there. I needed to be out there. “Until we know otherwise, we have to assume that she has both Genevieve and Nolan. Beau?”

“You got it, boss,” Beau replied. He stepped closer to the table that me, my brothers, Gabby, and Cade were gathered around. A map of Cedar Harbor was spread out on it. “Are we thinkin’ she’s maximizin’ the pain, or just lookin’ to get rid of a few bodies?”

My stomach turned. Jesus fuck. That wasn’t even something I wanted to entertain.

“Listen up, lady and gentlemen,” Lane cut in. He slammed a hand on the table, making my brothers jump. Cade, Gabby, and I never flinched. “You insisted on being a part of this. The shit you’re about to hear us talk about? It’s not for the faint of heart or the squeamish, understand that? If you plan to pass out, throw up, or be a pain in my fucking ass, leave. Go to the pack house, and get the fuck out of our way, do you understand me?”

“We’re not going anywhere,” Declan growled. I glanced at him. His expression was severe, and his muscles coiled tight as he stared at the map.

“Good,” Lane snapped.

“She’s not looking to dispose of bodies,” I told Beau, hating every single fucking word as they came out of my mouth. “She’s got too much ego for that. She wants to make it hurt as much as possible—for all of us.”

“That makes a fuckin’ difference,” Beau said. Grabbing the pen, he began crossing shit off on the map. “She needs space to fuckin’ work. And she needs somewhere that ain’t near people. Hunters don’t kill civilians. As batshit as this woman is, she ain’t goin’ to break that rule. Not if she’s tryin’ to end all wolves.”

“The port,” I replied. Taking the pen from him, I began circling a series of buildings. “Things slow down this time of year—regulations and weather. Crab boats go out, but they’re out for fucking weeks at a time. It means all of these buildings here… half of them shut down.”

“That one.” Lucas pointed to the last building in a long line of them. “Remember when we were in high school? Matt whatever-the-fuck-his-last-name is threw a fucking party there?”

“Yeah,” Finn replied. “It lasted three days because no one could hear them. The only reason anyone figured it out was because he and half the kids there were reported missing.”

“I ain’t sayin’ she’s there, but that’s where I’d go if I wanted to torture the fuck out of someone,” Beau stated. “Quiet, remote, and because of the fish, it’s got fuckin’ drains.”

“Drains?” Declan frowned.

“Somewhere for the blood to drain.”

“I’m not taking all of you,” Lane announced. “Too many wolves.”

“I’m not staying behind,” Gabby snapped instantly. “Don’t even fucking think about it, magic man.”

“Honestly, if anyone was going to rip out someone’s throat, I’m banking on you,” he replied. I seconded that. Gabby came back fucking fierce and fucking scary.

“You’re not leaving any of us behind,” Declan cut in.

“It’s not the best idea to have all of us there,” I began carefully. “She can control wolves. You saw what she did to Raven.”

“She can’t fucking control me,” Cade said.

“I know, and that’s why you’re with me,” I replied.

“I say bring ‘em all,” Beau interjected. When Lane glared at him, he shrugged. “Look, I ain’t sayin’ it’s a great plan. A great plan would be waitin’ for our guys to fuckin’ get here and take her out like a fuckin’ nuke, but we can’t do that shit, can we? Me? I’m fuckin’ great at torture, but that ain’t goin’ to work here. I should be tryin’ to shoot her fuckin’ face-off from a distance. You? You can’t do a fuckin’ thing other than punch a bitch. But if you and Killy Boy are fuckin’ beatin’ a bitch… who the fuck is gettin’ them out of there?”

“He’s right.” I hated even saying the words—especially after the happy fucking grin Beau gave me. I’d never hear the end of that shit.

“You don’t know what kind of… condition they’re in,” Lucas said. “I have emergency medical training if needed.”

“So do I,” Finn chimed in. Lucas was dyslexic, which made it hard as fuck for him to study. To help him out, Finn had gone through all the same certifications to give him a study buddy.

“I shouldn’t be there,” Sam told us quietly. It was clear from his pained expression that he knew just how much of a liability he was. “Not in the heart of it anyway. I can drive, but if anyone here is an easy target for her to control, it’s me.”