Page 261 of Wrecking Love

I went to knock on his door, but it creaked open. I frowned. That wasn’t Nolan. Nolan was always so careful about making sure his apartment door was closed.

“Nolan?” I called out as I pushed the door open further and let myself in. “Nolan?”

I froze just beyond the threshold, my heart stuttering in my chest. The coffee table was broken in splintered halves, glasses shattered on the floor, and furniture knocked over.

Oh, no…

I scrambled for my phone, fumbling and dropping it. It slid across the floor and under the tipped couch. Dropping to my knees, I reached for it. As I did, the door creaked. My skin prickled, and my heart rate kicked up as I rushed to my feet.

The woman standing in front of the door was anything but what I expected. Short and slender with vibrant purple hair, she didn’t look like some kind of dangerous hunter. But that feeling she instilled in me just by looking at me…

I shuddered as I put more space between me and her.

“Genevieve Byrne.” That voice. How could something so simple sound so dangerous? “We need to have a little chat, Mama Wolf.”

She wiggled Nolan’s phone as she circled me.

“Where’s Nolan?” I asked.

“Nolan’s a little… tied up right now,” she replied with a wicked grin. Nolan… no, no, no. “In my trunk of all places. Imagine my surprise to find out not only could I get Nerdy Byrne, but also Killian’s pregnant wife. That’s just icing on my fucking cake.”

“He’ll come for me.” I backed away from her, but there was nowhere to go. I was stuck no matter where I went. My heart pounded faster in my chest as panic flooded through me.

“Oh, honey,” she laughed, “I’m counting on it.”

Chapter 119


The screaming.

A sob tore through me as I listened to Nolan scream. I couldn’t see him—not from where she had me chained up. I struggled hard to keep my footing on the wet floor. Every slip of my shoes had me biting my cheek to keep from crying out as the chains around my wrists yanked hard on my shoulders.

I couldn’t remember getting there after the apartment. I tried to fight back—I really did—but the basic self-defense Killian had taught me was useless against her. The next thing I knew, I was dangling by my wrists while Nolan screamed somewhere out of sight.

“Please, stop!” I yelled. “Leave him alone. Please!”

It was pointless. I knew that. She wouldn’t stop.

“What was that?” the hunter wandered around the corner of a pole, twirling a knife in her hand. Blood spatter covered her shirt, her neck, and her face. Oh, Nolan. What was she doing to him? “Have something to say, Genevieve? I’m all ears.”

“Leave him alone,” I pleaded. “Please, leave him alone. Please, just… stop.”

“It’s you or him,” she replied. “Are you offering to take his place?”


“Ginny, no,” Nolan called out, his voice raw. The sound of him made me cry harder. “I can take it… I can take it…”

“See?” She grinned wickedly, pointing with her knife in his direction. “He thinks he can fucking take it. I’m just going to have to test that theory.”

“Please, leave him alone,” I begged pathetically. “He never did anything… to anyone.”

“That’s not the point, Mama Wolf,” she said. Stepping closer, she dragged the tip of her knife over my stomach and under the lifted hem. I sucked in a sharp breath. “All of you are a fucking plague. And me? I’m the fucking cure.”

The blade pressed hard enough to break skin, and I whimpered.

“Since you like taking direction so much.” Oh, God. How long had she been watching us? “Here’s what’s going to happen… princess. First, I’m going to see just how much Baby Byrne over there can take since he’s so determined to take it for you. I’m going to enjoy taking him apart piece by piece. And when I’m done with him, I plan to gut you like the fucking animal you are and let your husband know where he can rescue his wife. I want to watch him break over your dead body before I fucking kill him too.”