RAVEN: Cade will be here in a few hours, Isla will be here tomorrow, and you need to be here now.
RAVEN: I neeeeeeeed you
RAVEN: I neeeeeeeed you
RAVEN: I neeeeeeeed you, Ginny!
We stopped for pie. I’ll be there soon.
RAVEN: OH! Bring me pie!
What kind?
RAVEN: Cream pie!
I smiled at her innuendo. She was so much more than buzzed at this point.
I can bring you pie.
RAVEN: Can I show off my fiancé in gray sweatpants? He’s God’s gift to meeeeee!
Let me think about that…
Definitely don’t need you to send that.
RAVEN: Hurry that sexy ass up and come drink with me. I need my chaos partner.
I’m trying. Never get in the way of a Byrne and pie.
Chapter 09
Cinnamon sugar and spice. I faltered, the smell damn near taking me out by the knees. I’d know it anywhere.
There was a small shop in West Bend owned by a woman named Margot Wylan. Her tiny boutique specialized in lotions and candles, mostly custom-designed. When Genevieve and I were nineteen, she discovered the shop and hired Margot to make her a custom lotion. Cinnamon sugar and spice. Everything autumn in a bottle. Everything Genevieve in a bottle.
I burned the fucking clothes on my back when I left just to get rid of that smell. It’d clung to my skin for fucking weeks, taunting me.
There was no fucking way it could be here. Margot never commercialized the scent. It was strictly Genevieve’s.
And that meant…
I swallowed hard. My heart hammered painfully against my rib cage, and my wolf raged hard, pushing against my control. My skin vibrated with horrible anticipation as I made myself follow it. Down the hall… left… another left… and I found myself at the loft overlooking the entryway and dining area.
And there she was, my whole heart in all her sunshine glory. God, she was fucking gorgeous. That smile of hers had my heart in a vice grip, ripping the air right out of my lungs. I leaned into the wall for support and stuck to the shadows, not ready to face her yet.
Instead, I watched her. A fucking stalker in the shadows. A coward unwilling to face my fucking mistakes.
Fuck, she looked good. A tiny tank top and cutoff shorts accentuated every sinful curve from her perfect tits to her tapered waist to her shapely legs. The pristine and proper woman I knew was gone. Her curls were defined and gorgeous, framing a face that’d make Aphrodite jealous. Full lips, bright eyes, long lashes. The woman glowed with excitement as she and Nolan dropped the bags to the floor.
The things she did to my heart.
And to my dick. Time has done nothing to quell just how fucking attractive I found her. I ached for her. I wanted my hands on her. My mouth on her. My dick inside her. What a fucking time to be in gym shorts. There wasn’t a damn thing I could do to hide the raging hard-on the woman left me with.
Raven’s obnoxious squealing as she ran across the clubhouse to hug Genevieve, Declan’s loud laughter as he and our brothers fucked around, Roan’s drunken shouting. All of it faded into nothing as I locked onto Genevieve’s laughter. The sound was liquid honey slipping down my spine, laced with memories that haunted me.