Page 249 of Wrecking Love

“Genevieve.” He glanced over at me, and I just knew this would be a stupid argument if we went at it. It was pointless.

Ahead of us, Maeve’s car drove through the barrier. Rapid gunfire and a loud pop exploded in the air as her tire blew. The car swerved. It rolled, landing hard on its roof, and skidded along the ditch.


Killian slammed on the brakes, throwing my car into park. He was out before I had the chance to understand what happened.

“Mom!” he shouted.

My heart jammed in my throat as he ran straight through the barrier. He ducked as he ran, an arm thrown up over his head. Dirt exploded in a trail that followed him as he rushed to Maeve’s car. I hurried out of the car, hovering at the barrier and feeling completely useless. What good was I against a gun?

I heard the chaos around me, but my head swam too much to focus on it.



Something more I couldn’t make out.

It was all too much.

“Lane!” Killian screamed. He dropped to the ground on his stomach and inched as close to the broken window as he could. Through it, I saw Maeve grab his hand.

Oh, thank God she was alive and moving.

That did nothing for how my heart thundered in my chest. Another spray of gunfire came dangerously close to hitting my husband. He scrambled closer to the car for protection.

“Lane!” Killian hollered. “I need your fucking help!”

“Step aside, love,” Lane ordered and grabbed my arm, dragging me away from the barrier. I chanced a glance up at him and stumbled back. His eyes swam with complete darkness, and his veins pulsated black.

I’d never seen anything like him but the power…

Power vibrated off his body, making my stomach roll.

“Oh,” I whispered.

“Don’t cross the fucking barrier, and don’t let anyone else do so,” he growled. I nodded stupidly because what else was I going to do? Without a word, he strode right through the barrier and lifted his hands.

Black ink slithered through the dirt in rampant trails, gathering quickly around him until a wall of darkness appeared. It sliced the road in half. Bullets pinged off it but never reached Killian.

“Quicker, wolf boy!” Lane ordered. “I can hold off bullets, but if she tries—”

“I know!” Killian snapped. “Come on, come on, come on.”

I couldn’t breathe.

I couldn’t think straight.

My whole body ached with a need to do… something. Though, there wasn’t a single thing I could do. So, I watched.

I watched uselessly as Killian helped Maeve wiggle and slide out of the car. Glass cuts decorated her skin, but she was otherwise mobile and angry. The look on her face was downright murderous while Killian yanked her back behind the house barrier with him.

“Get back to the house,” Killian told us gruffly.

“Don’t you dare go back out there,” Maeve said.

“I have to!”