It’s like he’s… you know those movies where the hero makes all those arrangements before they go offer themselves up to the villain to be killed?
That description was crappy, but I didn’t know how else to describe what was going on with him.
GABBY: That man is questionable at best as a hero.
You know what I mean though, right?
GABBY: Yeah.
It’s like that. I can’t leave him alone when he’s like this.
GABBY: Fuck it. I’m coming back.
I re-read her message. And did so a third time. There was no way she was actually coming to Cedar Harbor. That was the stupidest idea she could have. Not with everything going on.
Gabrielle Gwendolyn Goodwin, you answer me right now!
GABBY: God, I need to fucking change my name. Mine is so fucking stupid.
GABBY: I’ll be there before the night is over.
Yeah, right. I scoffed. There was no way she’d make it from Vegas to Cedar Harbor before the night ended.
There’s no way that’s possible.
GABBY: One of my regulars is a pilot. We’ll take off in the next half hour. Have to pack. Love you.
Her regulars? What did that mean? The last I knew, Gabby worked in a salon. Did salons have regulars who took their stylists on flights? That didn’t sound right.
GABBY: See you in 6 hours. Keep me updated, GiGi.
You can’t come here! What if something happens?
GABBY: I’d love to see a bitch try.
GABBY: You’re not a fighter, Genevieve. You need someone to protect you.
I was so tired of feeling like I needed to be protected.
GABBY: You have a distracted husband trying to save the pack. So, I’m going to stick with you.
This is stupid. What can you do that I can’t?
GABBY: You have no idea what I’m capable of, GiGi. I won’t let a fucking thing happen to you.
What she was capable of? What did that even mean?
I… ugh. I’m not talking you out of this, am I?
GABBY: Not a chance in hell.