“Can you stay?” I whispered. “Can you stay with me?”
“Of course, I can, baby boy.”
Chapter 95
Ilost track of time with Gabby, which was needed. She had me laughing and smiling more than I had in a very long time. She also had me spending a ton of Killian’s money, which I felt bad about. But Gabby stole it every time I tried to use my card and threw down Killian’s instead. Eventually, she wouldn’t give mine back since I kept trying.
Despite my insistence that she stay with us, she only hung around long enough to bring bags in. I knew Gabby enough to know I wouldn’t see her tomorrow. She was gone gone. For now anyway. Things had shifted between us, and I knew she’d be back if I needed her. I also made a promise that I’d go see her too.
My living room was full of bags—so many bags with blankets, coffee mugs, knick-knacks, and more that were too adorable to resist. There were clothes too at Gabby’s insistence including possibly the most risque outfit I’d ever owned. And I liked it. It was different and exciting. It’d also probably take Killian out by the knees, which was even more thrilling.
The house was quiet and dark with only the kitchen sink light on. I hadn’t expected that. Declan’s truck was still in the drive, but he and Killian were nowhere to be seen. I paused at the bottom of the stairs, wondering what the rooms looked like but unable to make myself go up them. Was our bedroom the same? Was it all different? What about…
I sighed. I couldn’t quite go down that road. Not yet.
A thunk in the back startled me out of my daze. A second made me frown. Good Lord, what were the two of them doing out there? It was after one in the morning. I headed straight for the back door, determined to go check on them, but stopped short when I saw the two. Piles of fractured wood surrounded them as Killian hacked away at logs that Declan moved around for him. My husband was angry, ranting at Declan and waving the ax around between logs. Every so often, he ran his sleeve over his face, wiping away tears.
My heart…
I let them be. For as much as it killed me to see it, I was happy he was talking to someone. I could’ve unpacked the bags, but I didn’t. Instead, I grabbed my phone and the two things I’d managed to buy for myself: a calendar and two packs of markers.
As I went to work organizing the calendar how I saw it in my head, I texted Nolan.
Was today okay?
NOLAN: It was productive. Finn did knock Lucas down the stairs with the mattress, but they survived.
Good Lord.
NOLAN: Yeah. Mom had to put them in their place. They owe you two a new lamp.
They don’t need to.
Did everything turn out okay?
NOLAN: The guest bedroom mattress is now in your room. I bought you new sheets and a few blankets. And dusted. God help me the dust bunnies rioted, but I conquered them.
I chuckled at the imagery. I knew he was doing it to make me smile. That was just Nolan.
NOLAN: Killian also had me pull all his clothes to donate because he won’t fit in any of them.
I hadn’t even thought of that. God, the man owned a lot of clothes. That was so much to donate.
NOLAN: I also opened a window, and I put your clothes back.
Thank you.
NOLAN: Always.
And the other room?
I chewed my lip as I watched the text bubbles come and go several times. He was picking his words carefully. I knew that much.
NOLAN: Everything is gone. Would you like to know where?
I hesitated. Did I want to know? A part of me didn’t want anything to do with any of it, but I knew there was a part of me that wouldn’t rest until I knew.