Page 212 of Wrecking Love

“Stuck together. He didn’t have that. He wanted that for us.”

“Did he tell you that?” I asked, genuinely curious, and he nodded. Sounded like Dad all right. Under my breath, I admitted, “I don’t want to go upstairs. I have to go up there, but I just… don’t want to.”

“Then don’t.” He said it so simply. “I mean that, Killian. Walk me through what needs to be done up there.”

“Okay,” I replied, nodding. “The mattress in our room needs to be taken to the dump. I figured we could take the guest bed mattress and put it in there for now. I haven’t had the chance to buy a new one, so it’s the best I’ve got.”

Admittedly, I should’ve thought about this more. Impulsiveness would be the end of me.

“We can get that loaded in Lucas’s truck and out of here first,” Declan said.

“There’s a chest under the bed. Move that into the closet.”

“Do I even want to know?”

“Probably better if you don’t,” I told him. I wasn’t about to try explaining the shit in our toy chest to him. He’d be scarred.

“Got it,” he muttered. “Sex toys in the closet. I’m not responsible for what happens if Raven gets wind of that.”

I shrugged. I’d answer her questions. Though, she’d probably have a million of them.

“What else?”

“His…” My voice caught in my throat. Fuck, I could do this. “His room needs to be completely emptied. I can’t… nothing stays. I don’t know what the fuck to do with any of it. I haven’t really fucking thought that far ahead. It just needs to go. All of it. I need it out of our fucking house.”

“I’ll call Mom,” Declan said. “She may have a few ideas of what to do with everything besides trash it.”


“Either way, we’ll get it all out of there,” he promised.

“I want to build Genevieve an office in there,” I told him. “I don’t have any fucking ideas, but her books are always scattered around the house, and she takes all her shit for Nolan all over the fucking place. I figured we could make some sort of reading room with a desk or some shit. I feel like Nolan and Raven would probably know what the fuck to do with it.”

“Probably.” He smiled. “I’ll get them and Cade to start on it while we get everything else out of here. Sam can probably build the bookshelves and desk. He also might have that shit in his garage already.”

“Good to know.” I nodded slowly. “What the fuck do I do, Declan?”

I didn’t have a clue what the fuck I was supposed to do while they dismantled our trauma.

“Whatever the hell you want,” Declan said. “This is as much about taking care of you as it is taking care of Ginny. If you need to leave, then leave. If you want one of us to stay with you, take Nolan with you please.”

I chuckled at the subtle attempt to keep Nolan out of the way. The kid was fucking brilliant and incredible in his own way. Fixing shit or really any of the shit we were about to do wasn’t it. He was more likely to hurt himself than anything else.

“This feels fucking stupid,” I whispered. He made a small sound, and I continued, “There’s a hunter out there… and I’m over here fucking worried about this shit. It feels selfish.”

“Good. Be selfish. It means you’re taking care of yourself,” he replied. “Someone very wise once told me that we can’t be the best versions of ourselves for the pack if we’re not taking care of ourselves.”

“Mom?” I smirked.

“Yeah, and if you tell her, I’ll drag you out to the woods by your tail and make you fucking pay,” he retorted, making me laugh. “She’s not wrong though. After everything… the hunter’s not going anywhere. But honestly, Killian, after everything… I don’t trust that one way or another you won’t.”

“I’m sorry.” That fucking hurt. Good ol’ Declan and his honesty.

“I want you to stay,” Declan said. “But I want you to be okay more. If after everything you want to leave, then okay. Don’t encourage my wife to buy a fucking jet and I’ll come visit you.”

“She fucking wouldn’t.”

“Mile high club.”