Page 144 of Wrecking Love

One fucking opening.

“The syringe, Sam!” I bellowed, my voice strained as the wolf bucked to get me off. I dug my heels into its side, the plated ridges anchoring into its skin. I hoped to fuck he heard me because I didn’t have a fucking chance to look.

I struggled to maintain control as I grappled with the fucking thing. The second its head whipped around to try snapping at me, I grabbed the wolf’s upper jaw and yanked back. Hard.

Down we went—with it on top of me.

The flurry of pale fur and claws was intense as I dragged the wolf’s snout straight into my face. Yeah, I fucking tempted fate. When I shoved the snout-guard over its face, it sent us rolling all over again in an attempt to get away.

The magic in the snout-guard, however, was faster. It locked on hard, shrinking and forming a tight barrier—with just enough room to breathe but nothing else.

And all that did was fucking piss the thing off further.

Fuck my life. It showed no fucking signs of slowing. It had to be the hunter’s magic coursing through it.

“Sam!” I shouted and chanced a glance over my shoulder. He was just out of reach—smart fucking boy. Fuck, I was going to test my luck. “Throw it!”

His mouth moved, but I didn’t hear a fucking word he said over the slew of angry growls and snarls coming out of the wolf on repeat. He did listen.

Thank fuck, my lucky stars aligned.

I managed to swipe the syringe out of thin air and jammed the safety between my teeth to rip it off. Where the fuck was I supposed to stick this thing? Side? The side was probably fucking good. I slammed the fucking needle into the wolf’s side and decompressed the entire syringe into it.

It bucked once more and tried to throw me. But every effort was less than the previous one. I could feel the literal energy seeping from its body. Even the hunter’s magic couldn’t counteract a fucking horse tranquilizer.

It slumped to the ground, passing out. I climbed off carefully, breathing hard. My heart hammered wildly in my chest as I dropped to the ground, staring at the wolf. I refused to remove the catch-all, and I wasn’t removing the fucking snout-guard until Raven shifted back.

“You’re good, you’re good,” I let out softly, my words catching in my throat while I tried to steady my breathing. I clicked off the power to my glove and gently patted her side.

Wrestling a fucking two hundred pound plus wolf wasn’t my favorite fucking activity. I survived on fucking adrenaline and my fight instinct alone. As those wore off, the fucking pain kicked in. Head-to-toe, it fucking burst through my bones and muscles. I stilled and hoped to fuck she shifted back to human because shit, I didn’t have it in me to fight her again.

Chapter 58


My eyes scanned the treeline. The hunter was out there somewhere. There was no fucking way it could’ve controlled Raven the way it did from a distance. How long had it known where we lived?

Fuck, the questions were endless.

The urge to run into the forest—to call the hunter out—was fucking high. But the logical part of me knew just how fucking stupid that plan was.

None of us were safe.

Head on a swivel, my gaze drifted over Raven’s wolf to where Cade had shifted back. He was in bad fucking shape. Lucas and Mom rushed across the lawn to help.

I lost sight of everything when a heavy hand dropped to my shoulder. I tensed, whipping around fast on instinct.

“It’s okay,” Sam assured me, even as my hand locked tight around his wrist. I released him. “Just me.”

“Sorry.” I blew out a long breath and ran a hand through my hair. “Sorry.”

“You okay?” he asked instead.

“What?” I frowned, taking a moment to let his words register. My brain felt sluggish in the comedown. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I’m fine.”

“Okay. If you—”

“Can you get me Tylenol?” I cut him off. “And water? Please?”