Page 271 of Wrecking Love

That look on her fucking face was worth it. Because me? She wasn’t fucking expecting me.

I dragged her toward me and locked a hand around her neck. She was a fucking rag doll in my control as I slammed her down on a table, wood splintering apart. Rolling, she coughed and struggled to her feet.

“What the fuck are you?” Sadie demanded, her voice hoarse.

Fuck answering her. I tossed the table aside, flipping it across the room as if it weighed fucking nothing.

Purple magic shot my direction in an attempt to stop me. It grazed off my skin. I felt the fucking burn, but it wasn’t enough to slow me down.

I refused to stop until she was dead.

Sweeping her scrambling form off the ground, I threw her roughly against the wall. A sick satisfaction rolled through me at the crack of her skull on metal. The blow to my jaw was nothing but a goddamn nuisance. I snarled. With the second hit, I grabbed her wrist and snapped it. That scream she let out was fucking music to my ears. I planted a hand on her chest and pinned her against the wall. She fought against me, but I was stronger in every fucking way.

“It won’t matter,” she whispered with a breathy laugh. She spit blood, but nothing wiped that twisted smile off her goddamn face. “I left my fucking mark. You think your brother will live? Even if he does, he’ll never be the same.”

I tightened my hold on her, pushing her up the wall until her feet were fucking dangling. I felt the way her sternum cracked under my strength.

“And that stupid little wife of yours?” she dared to continue. “You think that baby of yours will survive? I’ll be the fucking reason she broke. I’ll be the reason she wakes up screaming in the middle of the night. There’s not a damn thing you can do about that—”

A shriek cut her off as I dug my claws in her skin. It dissolved into a crazed laugh as she gasped to regain her composure.

“And what about you, Killian?” Sadie whispered, her breath hitching in her throat. “Look what you turned yourself into.”

“That was your mistake,” I growled. “I’ll do anything to save what’s mine.”

When she opened her mouth to say more, I lunged forward and ripped out her throat with my fangs. Hot blood filled my mouth, and I spit it out. A waterfall of blood spilled on the floor as she gurgled through her last breaths.

As her body went limp, I let her go. A deafening roar rattled the warehouse as I threw my head back, feeling myself slip away and the monster inside me take over.

Chapter 126


They nearly had Nolan in the truck when that roar filled the night again. Despite everything, we all turned to stare into the darkness.

“What the fuck is that?” Gabby demanded. Her arm around my shoulders tightened, and she pulled me a little closer.

“Don’t fucking ask,” Lane snapped. He glanced at Beau and nodded. Something uncomfortable twisted my stomach as I watched Beau draw his gun. He jogged back toward the warehouse where Killian had disappeared. Something about it all didn’t sit right with me.

What was he planning to do with that gun? The hunter didn’t make that sound, and the only other person there was Killian. He wasn’t going to shoot Killian, was he?

“Is there a blanket in the truck?” I asked Gabby quietly, pretending to shiver. “I’m cold.”

“I’ve got you. We’ll get you in once they get Nolan situated.” She ran her hands up and down my arms once before rushing around the side of Lucas’s van. I watched her go, taking slow steps away from the chaos. Everyone was so busy trying to figure out how to take care of Nolan that no one noticed me.

No one saw me as I turned and ran. Because good girl Genevieve wouldn’t be the one to run right into danger.

But Killian was out there.

And I didn’t trust Beau for the life of me.

Or with Killian’s life.

Another roar shattered the night. I skidded to a stop, my heart kicking up in my chest. God, that didn’t sound good. What I would’ve given to have my wolf’s hearing.

With the third roar, I bolted as fast as my exhausted legs could carry me. I couldn’t help if I didn’t get there. My entire body begged me to just give in and give up—to sit down and cry because everything hurt. And God, I wanted to. It took everything I had to keep going until I rounded the side of the building and ran for the open door.

“Come on, Killy Boy,” Beau taunted from inside. “Give me a reason to shoot you, bud.”