That scary tingle returns to my heart as I watch her attend to the customer who troops in and walks to the coffee counter. Did I make the right choice coming back here? Or will my plan end in a disaster with the one woman I never want to hurt hating me in the end?
My first day as owner of Espresso Books didn’t go as planned. There’s a total of six staff here besides Gracie and her friend Natalie. Three are baristas, one is a cleaner, and the other two are book sales reps.
Gracie does all of their jobs anyway and I was here early enough this morning to realize that the book sales reps troop in whenever they want.
“This is bad for the business spirit,” I scold as we hold a meeting that morning. Gracie isn’t listening to what I’m saying. I sense her hostility stems from the fact that she’s still annoyed at the way I ended things six years ago.
I never meant to hurt her, but I had to. Pushing Gracie away protects us both from unnecessary heartbreak. I know this…So why do I keep looking at her? Why does she stir this innate longing deep inside me?
It’s like I can’t control myself and I clear my throat, hoping to get her attention, to no avail. “I like to run my stuff strictly, and so the next time you two waltz in here like you own the place, it’ll be your last day here. Got it?”
“Yes, sir,” the sales reps chorus.
“Thank you. I hope we have a good time working together!”
I dismiss them and smile at Natalie when I catch her eyes on me. Having women glancing at me all the time is nothing new. “Can I get a cup of espresso?” I ask her.
“Coming right up, boss,” she answers with a wide grin.
“Please…It’s Trevor,” I tell her and notice Gracie glaring then. My smile widens because I finally have her attention. I find her frown cute and those tiny crease lines that form on her forehead even cuter.
Natalie scurries away, and Gracie focuses on the book she’s trying to put on the shelf again. She places it in its stand and jumps to get another from the shelf’s quarter far out of her reach.
I get up, walk over to her, and get the book off the shelf with ease. Gracie turns towards me when our bodies press close, and she lifts her chin to look at me. “Thanks,” she murmurs, then licks her lips.
I’m intensely drawn to her, and the scent of lilies that clings to her teases my senses, making me lean closer. I remind myself of all the reasons I should stay away from her.
Gracie is too much for me…Too many emotions, too many feelings. She makes me experience sensations I never expect to feel for any woman.
“Espressos are really strong,” she says as I step away from her, putting a safe distance between us so I don’t lose my mind with her.
“You ordered an espresso,” she continues, those wide, innocent eyes blazing on mine. “You’re not the kind to take strong coffee, and our espressos are really strong. Besides, if you have a sweet tooth, you should go for a latte with our creamy mocha instead. I recommend that to customers who want something on the sweet side.”
I know espressos are the tough stuff, but I opt for it anyway because I need an extra caffeine boost to stimulate my nerves and get me out of the daze I’ve been in since I walked in here yesterday.
I don’t say these things to Gracie, though, because I love her honest concern. “Will you sit and share a latte with me?”
“No way!” she snaps, then clutches the book she’s holding to her chest. “I’m staying as far away from you as possible, Trevor.”
“Why?” I can’t help my light chuckle because I love our banter. I have always loved it! Gracie is the only woman who has ever stimulated me in this way.
“Does it have something to do with the fact that you’re excited to have me back in Golden Bay?”
Her cold laugh holds a sarcastic bite to it. “You haven’t changed,” she answers. “Cockiness isn’t that attractive, Trevor.”
“Really?” I glance at the coffee counter and find two girls waiting for their coffee, glancing at us and blushing at me. “They beg to differ.”
Gracie rolls her eyes while my amused smile widens. “They don’t know you like I do. If they do, they’d realize you’re a cocky guy who thinks he can charm his way into anything and make anyone forget all about how he hurt them!”’
Her outburst attracts attention, and I know that wasn’t her intention when she turns pale immediately. Her eyes widen, her nose wriggles a little, and she nibbles on her lower lip.
“Forget I said that,” she murmurs, and lowers her head. “I meant…”
“I know what you meant, Gracie. You have every right to be pissed at me for what I did six years ago.”