Page 34 of Buck

There went her heart again. “Another two hours. Why?”

Buck braced his feet in a gunslinger stance, his jaw set with determination. “I thought you could give me a tour, tell me about all these outbuildings, show me the coffee to pass the time. Guarding is an important process, but it can be boring as hell.”

She smiled. “Sure. I can do that as soon as I’m done. We could bring lunch and eat out in the field.”

He nodded. “That sounds great.” He met her gaze, his expression altering into something strong and intense as he stared at her, his gaze setting off a crazy, wild fluttering in her chest. He held her gaze for a moment, then his jaw tensed, and he turned away, an unnatural jerkiness in his movements. Recognizing the same tension in him that she had thought she detected last night, she watched him walk to the door, a fierce longing spilling into her bloodstream. A longing to touch him, to be held and touched back, to feel his warmth and strength around her. Her own movements suddenly jerky, her heartbeat thick and heavy, she crossed the room, her pulse accelerating wildly as she reached him. She grabbed his wrist and he stilled, then turned back to her. And she knew, as surely as she was standing there, that he was wrestling with something that was causing him pain.

Not even giving him a chance to react, she went into his arms. Taking his face between her hands, she kissed him with all the longing welling up inside her.

Buck’s chest expanded as he inhaled raggedly, then his arms came around her in a crushing embrace as he took what she offered. His jaw flexed beneath her hand as he moved his mouth deeply against hers, the thoroughness of his hot, wet kiss setting off a wild frenzy in Mari’s chest. Shifting his hold, he caught her around the hips, drawing her flush against his pelvis, and her breath caught on a rough sob, the surge of sensation making her lungs falter. He tightened his arms around her, holding her with the same fierceness as he had last night, his mouth hungrily absorbing the taste and feel of her. His need merged with her own, and Mari went all soft and willing in his arms, a liquid weakness spreading through her.

With a shuddering intake of air, he dragged his mouth away, gently guiding her head to the curve of his neck. His breathing harsh and labored, he roughly tucked his face against hers, his arms tightening around her in a fierce hold. Trembling from the impact of that single kiss, Mari closed her eyes and hung on to him, her heart slamming against her ribs.

With a hard breath, Buck pulled her hair back and pressed a kiss against her neck, the feel of his soft mouth making her shiver again. He held her tight for a moment, his mouth warm against her flesh. Then he sighed and raised his head, his hold protective as he backed her against the wall, his touch firm and comforting as he rubbed a lock of hair between his fingers. He cupped her face gently, kissing her again, then said, his voice gruff, “You know that I will do anything and everything it takes to keep you all safe.”

The firm, sensual pressure of his hand against her skin created a warm, fluid sensation in the lower half of her body, and Mari melted against him, his touch both comforting and inciting. She turned her face against his palm, her own voice uneven when she responded. “Yes. I know you will,” she said. “We live with this threat all the time. I’m resigned to it and am thankful that you, your government, and mine are combating violence and trafficking. Standing up to these gangs is all we can do. We won’t let them destroy us.”

He drew her hips tighter against him. “Trust me, even when you think you can’t.” His hand wasn’t quite steady as he tucked her hair behind her ear, and neither was his voice when he continued. “Just give me that trust you know is there.”

Cupping her hand against his face, Mari pulled his head down and kissed him again, long and slow. Easing her hold, she finally looked up at him, not even trying to camouflage the feelings he aroused in her. She could only guess he wanted to make sure she knew he wasn’t just doing a job, that it was important to him to be here for her.

Buck stared down at her, his mouth clamped in a rigid line, but the look in his eyes was raw with emotion. He held her gaze for a moment, then he shut his eyes tightly and gathered her against him in a fierce hold, his voice rough and unsteady. “I would never hurt you, Mari. I’m here to do a job, but that’s only part of it. I’m here for you. You have to know that.”

Trying to swallow the knot of emotion in her throat, Mari cradled his head against her, moved beyond words by his gruff admission. “I know that, Sam,” she whispered. She stroked the back of his neck, holding him as tightly as he was holding her, the weight of his arms making her feel very safe. Neither of them spoke for a long time, then Buck sighed heavily and slackened his hold, his mouth lingering as he brushed a kiss against her temple. “We both have things to do, but I wish we didn’t.”

Mari raised her head and looked at him, the regret in his eyes making it easier for her to pull away. She stretched up and kissed him softly on the mouth, then just because he was so irresistible, she ran her thumb over those sensual lips. She looked up at him again, her gaze frank and steady. “There will be time this afternoon, and…tonight.”

He frowned slightly and began toying with her hair, the grooves around his mouth deepening. “I hope I can get away and your evening isn’t taken up with shoe shopping.” He paused, the muscles in his jaw flexing as he slowly trailed his thumb across her cheek. He finally met her gaze, his voice very gruff when he said, “It’s a logistical nightmare.”

Her throat filling with emotion, she held his hand against her face. “It is. My crazy family, meddling sisters, cartels, DEA, CIA, and whole contingent of alpha males, and don’t let me forget Carmen, the force of nature.”

Swallowing hard, Buck bracketed her jaw with his hands and tipped her face up as he kissed her with infinite tenderness. Mari closed her eyes and yielded to the gentle pressure, the languid movement of his mouth making her feel immeasurably cherished. Tightening his hold on her face, Buck exhaled and reluctantly eased away, his eyes dark with regret. There was a thread of determination in his voice when he said, “SEALs never give up and are never out of the fight.”

Sliding her hands up his back, Mari gave him a huge smile. “I’m glad to hear that. My family needs grit and determination.”

He gazed down at her, a hint of a smile in his eyes. “My middle names.”

“We’ll have this afternoon.” She held up her hand. “Just us—no Carmen.” Then sheepishly added, “I hope.”

His smile turned soft and sexy. “Just us.”

There was a knock on the door, and a voice intruded. “Mari, are you in there? All my friends thought the black strappy heels were ordinary. I need something spectacular.”

Buck swore softly and huffed a laugh, dropping his chin to his chest, his tone rife with a tolerant annoyance as he muttered, “Oh, no. It’s a crisis situation. Not ordinary!” He expelled his breath and met her gaze, his touch firm and erotic as he smoothed his hand down her shoulders. Exchanging a lazy, sensual look with her, he suddenly grinned. “Can we pretend she’s not there,” he whispered.

“Nice try, Buck, but I can hear you.”

There was unspoken reluctance in his eyes as Buck trailed his knuckles down her cheek, then he heaved another sigh and backed off just in time for Carmen to muscle the door open, pushing him completely out of the way. She peeked around the half-open door and said, “Smells good in here, but aren’t you supposed to be roasting?”

“Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” Buck said, moving out of the way so she could come completely into the room. She had a stack of magazines, a tablet, and her phone.

“She came loaded for bear,” he said, casting Mari an amused look.

“Hey, look, buddy. This is my graduation dance. The. Last. One. I’m only going to be seventeen once, graduate once. So, everything needs to be perfect.” She poked him in the chest.

He lifted his hands as if she had a loaded gun. “Okay, there, six-shooter, I give up.”

Carmen’s eyes twinkled. “Do people think you’re a funny guy?” she asked, her tone desperate teenager.