Page 46 of The Hybrid's Heart

“But would you hazard a guess?”

She stops walking so Noble, Jenna, Tyler, and Olivia who are all walking to the couples’ barracks alongside us, can pass us.

“It would be forward of me to say it. What if I’m wrong?”

This makes something squeeze in the vicinity of my heart, because the more she hedges, the more I think she probably knows the correct answer, which is exactly my point.

I clamp my mouth shut to keep myself from saying, “If you’re wrong, I’ll love you anyway.” I can probably blame myself that we’ve both avoided the L-word. “Hazard a guess, Cally. I won’t hold it against you. What do you think I want more than anything in the world?”

She grips my hands in hers, hard, and pierces me with her most sincere gaze.

“Two things, I think. The first is me. For me to stay, and love you.”

I nod, but stay perfectly still as I wait for her to say the second part. What she just said was obvious, but the next part? I’ve never had the nerve to breathe a word, not even hint at it.

“You’ve never said so, but I suspect you want a family.” Her eyes slip to the side to avoid me, but they return and inspect me to see if she’s right.

“Yes. Until I met you, I didn’t think I wanted a family. I mean, my life is so fucked up. I wouldn’t know the first thing about how to parent anyone. But since we met, I’ve nurtured the hope in the quiet spaces of my heart that we could have children one day.” I hug her tight, brimming with emotions so deep I couldn’t name them if I tried. “And you knew, Cally. Somehow you knew.”

Just as I’d hoped for, my female knows me as well as I know myself. I pull back to see her response to my next question. “Cally, how do you feel about… a family?”

“That’s an easy one. I never wanted kids.” She squeezes my hands more tightly, hinting that she has more to say. “Until I met you. Do you think they’ll have antlers?”

Out of all the things to say, she asks about antlers? That means she’s given it some thought.

“I guess we’ll have to ask the docs, when the time is right.”

She grips my shoulders and presses on them, forcing me to bend at the waist so we’re face to face.

“I don’t want to make a baby tonight, my love, but I sure would like it if we could practice.”

After scooping her into my arms, I jog home. A deep rumble of laughter explodes from my chest so loud I imagine she can not only hear, but feel it as my joy wraps around us.

“I’d love to practice all night long, my love. Can I say that now? My love?”

“I’m not the one who made the crazy, arbitrary rules to begin with, big guy.”

Chapter Thirty-Five


The moment we’re over the threshold and Sylas has kicked the door shut with his hoof, I grip his beautiful face between my palms and pierce him with my gaze. My intention is so clear, so insistent, I wish he could read my thoughts. Since the evil scientists didn’t equip him with clairvoyance, I’ll just have to tell him what’s pressing on my mind.

“I’ve loved you since that first day, I think. Definitely since you tried to take the fall for me in the colonel’s office. My affection is deep and hot and so, so sweet, yet sometimes so powerful it makes me want to cry with the weight of it.”

I’m pressing so hard on his cheeks, the poor male has duck lips, so I ease off, but don’t release him.

“I’m glad you made us wait, though. You were right. We needed to get to know each other better, though I’ve always known how good you are, how much compassion you have.”

“And we have forever to get to know each other better.” He said that as a statement, but there was an unspoken question lurking under his words.

“Yes. If you’ll have me, Sylas. Forever.” How can it feel so odd and yet so right to promise forever to this male?

For a moment, his lids shutter, and the sweetest look steals over his face. If I had to name it, there’s only one word to describe it. Bliss. Then, everything changes.

“I’ve made you wait long enough.” His umber gaze is molten. “Tell me what you want. My tongue, my cock? Standing? Up against the wall? The shower? I want to give you everything, just the way you want it.”

Although I’ve had a thousand fantasies about how we would come together when he finally gave the word, I shake my head as I clutch him closer, my arms around his back.