Page 13 of Broken Crown

“It’s not your choice,” Grey growled, warning me to push him on this. “It’s Mari’s life. The only thing she really has control over is who she lets into her body, and I’m not going to allow some fuckboy to make her feel guilty for doing what she needs to do to survive.”

Deciding to let it go, I laughed. “I’m a grown-ass man, Grey. Hardly a fuckboy.”

Grey glared. “We both know that you’ve spent years looking for anything that gave you pleasure and finding it mostly between a woman’s thighs. It’s not a bad thing and I’m not shaming you for it, but you’ve been off playing civilian, while Mari’s been running an empire. If she wants to fuck half the city to let off some stress, who are you to judge her for it?”

The idea of Mari with someone else had bile rushing up my throat, but I was self-aware enough to see my own hypocrisy. I certainly hadn’t been a monk in the years since I’d returned to my hometown, but I didn’t expect Mari to be the same. She was my mariposa. My butterfly. My good girl trapped in a bad life.

Grey shook his head like he could read my mind. I wouldn’t put it past him. “You’ve been gone a long time, Dominic. Mari’s not the girl you knew anymore.”

Guilt pricked at me again. “Then I’ll get to know her. Be who she needs.”

“Will you, though?” Grey asked. “She needs someone who will not only step in front of fire to save her, but set the world ablaze at her command. Someone who won’t hesitate to do whatever it takes to keep her alive, even if it doesn’t fit with their moral code. Someone who gives up their life for hers. Someone selfless. You wouldn’t know how to be that man if I handed you a fucking manual.”

It was frustrating how true that was. I’d never had to be selfless. I’d always been able to take what I wanted without worrying about the consequences. But I could be for her. At the very least, I wanted to try. That had to count for something.

“You and Mari are going to regret doubting me. I’ll show you both that I’m the best person out there for her.”

Grey laughed, and this time, it was honest. I stared as his whole face transformed into something softer, something real with a bit of that boyish charm from our youth peeking through. Was that what Mari saw when she looked at him? If so, I could see the appeal. I wasn’t into dudes, but Grey was beautiful when he let go.

Our eyes caught, and in a second, what little bit of humanity he’d shared was buried. Shuttered away from the world until all that remained was the robot he pretended to be. His very own mask. “If you think you can hold her on your own, you’re delusional. It’ll take an army to keep Mari safe, happy, and sated.”

I grinned, though I didn’t feel it, pushing off the wall and opening the door to my room. “Good thing I’ve never had a problem sharing.”

I had a feeling that wouldn’t be the case with Mari, but I refused to let Grey have the last word.

Nothing but silence followed me inside.

Chapter Six


The day of the Marcosa summit saw my formal dining room filled with men. Thankfully, it was more than enough space to house all my lieutenants and the highest members of their entourages comfortably, a necessity because once the summit started, no one left until it ended.

The lock-in was both protection and precaution. The men I brought into the meetings were closest to me, but even they weren’t infallible. Anyone could be turned, bribed, or threatened to give up information. Antoni had learned that the hard way, and it was a lesson I never forgot. So, we catered in and enjoyed hours of uninterrupted time to formulate plans and air grievances.


In truth, the summit came at a terrible time. With things at Gilded finally going right and Dominic’s unexpected appearance, my plate was overflowing. There was no room for the petty squabbles and power plays those meetings usually incited. But Greyson hadn’t found more than basic information on the Aces, and I needed our network looking for any hint of their weakness. Unknown players were too dangerous to stay in my city.

My uncles, the capos, were the last to join us. They were searched quickly, leaving Joaquin to loudly make his way to my side. I hated being that close to him, but besides Greyson, he was the highest-ranked member of our family. Sitting close to the don was a sign of respect, one I couldn’t afford to snub him of. Still, I debated it.

After weeks of chaos, I was running on no sleep and even less patience. My uncle had a way of picking at my soft spots like a pro, and I didn’t have the energy to hold myself back.

Just before he sat, someone dropped a cherry-chocolate chip muffin in front of me.

Frowning, I peered up just in time for Dominic to drop into the chair at my side. Joaquin’s chair. “You should eat.”

“You got me a muffin.”

“You were never good at long meetings. Always got hangry. I figured I’d save us all the headache and feed you now,” Dominic said.

Sweet thought, poor execution. I leaned forward, happy when he followed suit. “I know you’re new to this, but watch the way you speak to me. Especially when we’re around others. I may have been informal in my office, but we’re in public now.”

With the family around, we weren’t two people with history—we were the boss and her subordinate.

“Be a good boy. Got it.” With one finger, Dominic pushed the muffin nearer. “Eat.”

Snatching it up for a bite, I nearly groaned. It was exactly what I needed, and damn him for knowing it.