Page 93 of Broken Crown

Find the boys, I mouthed, hoping she’d do it and get out. I promised myself that if I made it out of this, I’d get the sisters clear. Set them up somewhere nice where they never had to work again. They deserved to have a normal life together after everything they’d been through.

Taking another step back, Sabine dipped her head in what I hoped was the world’s smallest nod. “Thank you for protecting her when I couldn’t.”

I had no time to answer. I felt the crack against my temple and then nothing but the flickering sight of the concrete coming up to greet me.

My last coherent thought before darkness took me was, please let them be okay.

Chapter Thirty


I woke to screaming ribs, the rattling of the chains I hung from, and the absolute certainty that Cash was nearby. I could practically smell the little rat. My feet just barely touched the floor, and everything hurt because of it. My ribs, my shoulders, my arms, my back.

At least I’m alive. Though, I wasn’t sure how long that would last. I didn’t even know how long I’d been unconscious.

“I know you’re awake.” Prying my eyes open, I saw him firsthand.

Cash didn’t look much different than he had on opening night, like a typical Seattle bachelor. Trimmed scruff along a sharp jaw, handsome features, a well-maintained physique in a very nice suit. Add in those deep blue eyes, and he probably had his pick of partners.

Too bad he was a fucking psychopath. Or was he a sociopath? I could never remember the difference.

A clap interrupted my internal ramblings. “It’s good to see you again, queenie. We’re going to have so much fun together.”

Like fuck we were. My mouth was so dry, I had to swallow a few times just to speak. “Where’s Sabine?” I rasped.

Grabbing a bottle of water from the floor at my feet, he cracked the lid and held it to my mouth. I was too greedy to care if it was drugged or not.

“There we go. Nice and easy,” he said when I was done. He squashed the bottle and tossed it behind him. “Now, who were you asking about?”

“Sabine,” I repeated.

His brows tipped low then smoothed themselves out. “Ah, the girl. Gone. She served her purpose.”

My heart broke for Brittany. She was a little girl. All she wanted was her big sister. Now, she’d have nothing but memories. The urge to scream at Cash was strong, but I didn’t want to draw attention to Brittany. The last thing she needed was her sister’s killer coming for her too.

Looking around to avoid spitting in his face, I realized there was nothing to see. Beyond it being a massive empty room, I could find no hints to tell me where we were. No sounds penetrated the space either. No cars, no moving water, no people besides the two of us. Had he taken me out of Seattle? I hoped not. It would make it that much harder to get home when I was free, though the manacles on my hands told me getting out was a much bigger problem.

“So, this was your big plan?” I asked him, nodding to the room. “Get me to your secret hideout and kill me privately? Seems like a waste.”

He scoffed. “I’m not going to kill you yet.”


“Of course not. I’m going to give you a chance to surrender first.”

As if. He was going to kill me no matter what I did, but if I could keep him occupied long enough, someone would come for me. Once again, I thanked my stars that Greyson had decided to chip me like a dog. It really paid off in tough situations.

Tilting my head, I tried to see if Cash was telling the truth. If so, it would be a fucking miracle. “Are you going to let me go if I do?”

“You know better,” he reprimanded.

I did, which was why I wanted him to spell it out. Better to have all our cards on the table. “So, you are going to kill me.”

He didn’t admit it, but I wasn’t surprised. I’d noticed that Cash liked to pretend that he wasn’t a terrible person with me. Or maybe it was because he thought that was how he had to act, like he was mimicking someone else’s behavior since his was almost always just a little off.

“Let’s make a deal,” he said. “Surrender, and I’ll make your death quick.”

“What do you think happens when I die? Do you have the infrastructure to take over and the loyalty to keep your seat when the rest of the city comes after you? What about the inside knowledge? Got any cops in your pocket? We all know you’ve been piggybacking off our CI networks. What about city officials? Are you even remotely prepared for a responsibility this large?”