Page 80 of Broken Crown

I could hear the grit of anger in his voice when he spoke, and it made me smile. “Sorry about that, I double-booked myself, and I really needed the massage. Gorgeous woman, wandering hands. You get it, right? All those men ready and waiting for you.”

I didn’t respond to the baiting, mostly because it was untrue. “Let’s reschedule. Though, I suppose you’ll need time to consult your calendar. Lots of funerals to plan.”

A snort echoed down the line. “Lamenting cannon fodder is below my pay grade.”

I knew he was an asshole, but I couldn’t understand that. Those people had bled for him, died for him, and he did nothing to honor that sacrifice? “Better be careful, or greed will be your only ally, Cash.”

A faint giddy squeal ran through the line, and my lip curled in disgust. “She already is. Luckily, my dreams are big enough to satisfy us both.” Another squeal and a long moan, and I wanted to throw up in my mouth. If he tried fucking her on the phone with me, I was going to go nuclear. “Congratulations on making it out alive, by the way. You were glorious.”

I knew it! I peered around again, searching the eaves until I saw a camera hidden almost completely behind one of the metal beams. With a snarky grin, I flipped it off. Cash’s warm chuckle told me he was still watching, and that made me all sorts of uncomfortable.

If he starts stalking me, this is going to go downhill quick.

“Too bad about your man almost getting blown away. Dominic, was it? I promised my guy a fat bonus if he could bring me your beloved’s head. Instead, he got a bullet to his. Oh well. I’ll get him next time.”

The idea that he’d not only set a target on Dominic but a fucking bounty was enough to send me into a rage blackout. Cash had already taken my cousin from me; he wasn’t going to get anyone else I loved. I dropped the pretense and stared straight into the camera. “When I find you, I’m going to rip you apart myself. You’ll be in so many pieces they’ll never find all of you. Not that anyone would look. You’re poison.”

“You say the sweetest things.” The psycho laughed. “Can’t wait to see you try. Talk soon, queenie.”

The phone beeped as he ended the call, and Grey pried it out of my hand before I threw it at the ground.

“Get a guard on Dominic immediately. Make it discreet. Cash has a hard-on for him.”

“Not just him. Word is he’s got a pretty big bounty out on all your boys. All three of them.” Two-Bit’s pointed look was a reminder I didn’t need. As long as I was with any of my men, they’d all be at risk. Apparently even Nate.

Grey squeezed my fingers, lifting them to his mouth for a ghost of a kiss. “I’ll sort it out.”

Two-Bit cleared his throat and jerked his head toward the carnage. “I’ll leave this to you, if that’s all right. Dominic already gave the all clear, so the other families are headed home. You should probably call a summit in a few days so we can debrief and make a new plan.”

I thanked him, and then the Vipers were gone, climbing into custom-painted muscle cars that were worth more than one of Grey’s sportsters.

Grey and Dominic went back and forth with the rest of the family, sorting out identities and making sure everyone we killed stayed dead, while I leaned against the car in an effort to hide just how badly I hurt. The longer we were in the open, the antsier I got. The reminder that Cash was watching made my shoulder blades itch. We were too exposed.

I tried to pace but had to stop. The ache in my ribs was too much.

“Mari?” Grey asked.

“We need to get out of here.”

He squeezed my shoulder, pushing me toward the back door. “I’ll get everyone loaded up, and we’ll leave. A few more minutes, I promise. Why don’t you go lie down on the seat until we’re ready?” He brushed his hand down my temple, and I realized my anxiety was turning the dull throb of a headache into searing pain with every heartbeat.

“Five minutes.”

Climbing into the seat, I groaned as my aching body settled in. Shifting around to get the tension off my ribs, I wasn’t expecting the crumpled piece of paper under my leg. Smoothing it out, I bit back a curse at the signature on the bottom.


I learned a lot under your father, but the one thing that stuck with me was this: You’re never as vulnerable as when your heart lives outside your body, and yours is split in three. We couldn’t get Dominic this time, but we still have two more chances to succeed. Who do you think would look prettier in a pine box, your little shadow or the mouse in the house?

Love, Cash

Immediately, I shoved back out of the car.

“Grey?” I searched the crowd, looking for the telltale posture that told me my best friend was still here, still alive. Panic ate away at my hearing until the only sound in my ears was my own roaring heartbeat. “Greyson!”

“Mari. What is it? What’s wrong?” I pulled him close and crushed my lips to his. Despite being in the worst place for a kiss, he dove into it, carefully cradling my cheek even as he pressed me against the car.

“What was that for?”