Page 79 of Broken Crown

Before he could say more, the sounds of car doors slamming, yelling, and more shots filled the air, and I shoved away. Though the world tilted uncomfortably, I stayed upright. Go, me.

Grey motioned for us to stay put and crept toward one of the bay doors. The window was coated with grime, but it was our only option to see outside. He peered out for a bit before he released a slow breath in the sudden silence.

“The cavalry’s here, and they just cleaned house.”

“Thank fuck.” With one final shitty look, Dominic stomped off. I almost hoped someone made it and he got shot in the leg. Served him right for being such an asshole.

“Nice shot, boss.” Tennessee took his place, nudging me gently with his hip. “Did you seriously call him a turnip?”

“She called him an emotionally stunted turnip. Get it right.” Moore snickered from where he’d gone back to check on Geneva.

“Shut up, both of you. My head hurts,” I groaned. It really did, and I was starting to feel every noise in the backs of my eyes.

Tennessee laughed and tucked me under his arm, his gun hanging loose on the other side. “Come on, it was funny. Right, Grey?”

Grey rolled his eyes and checked outside before holding the door for us. “I would’ve called him something much worse.”

“Either way, I’m glad you’re okay, boss.” Tennessee squeezed my shoulder once more and released me to Grey so he could get back inside for Moore and Geneva.

Grey wrapped an arm around my waist, holding some of my weight so I could give my screaming ribs a break. He pressed a soft kiss to my temple, breathing me in, and for a moment, I did the same.

We’d made it out alive. A bit bruised but nothing a little time couldn’t fix, and thankfully, we had some of that.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Once we were outside, it took no time to find Dominic on the other side of the lot. He was checking bodies with Cameron and intentionally ignoring me. The twat. My cousin threw me a thumbs-up, laughing at something the grump said, and I let relief sweep me under. No casualties on our side. It was a fucking miracle.

Grey tapped me on the hip with a finger. “Come on, let’s get this over with so we can get you home to Doc.”


Two-Bit was talking to Joaquin near the cars, so we headed toward them. Joaquin saw me first, frowning at the blood on my head. “Hope they’re dead.”

“They are.”

As if even that was too much emotion, he scoffed and stepped back. “My crew will take care of any survivors.”

Meaning he’d double tap to make sure everyone was actually dead, which was fine by me. I didn’t enjoy the overkill, though I wasn’t precious enough about it to stop them. Caution and paranoia kept me alive. “Make it quick. I want everyone out in ten minutes or less.”

It was an impossible timeline, but he nodded anyway. “You got it, boss.”

With my uncle sorted, I turned to Two-Bit. We shook hands while Grey nodded at the men behind him. “Thanks for coming. You got here at just the right time.”

The gangster shrugged. “It’s what we agreed to. Sorry we didn’t get him.”

“Me too, but this was a long shot anyway.” Despite how badly I’d wanted it, we’d all known that anyone who had pulled off the assassination of a heavily protected underboss wasn’t likely to show up for a small-time ambush. “At least we took out some of his men.”

As if the universe had whispered that we were talking about him, my phone rang. Grey dug it out of his pocket—because men’s pockets were way better—and showed me Cash’s name on the screen.

“Here we go,” I muttered, accepting the call.

“Mari, darling.” Cash’s voice was all seduction, though I could hear the faint lilt of amusement. He was laughing at me, the fucking weasel. “How are you today?”

Normally, I’d let it slide, but I was hurt and pissed that he was still alive, so I let myself be petty.

“I thought we had an appointment, snookums. Did you forget the date? I know the memory gets hazy as you get older.” It was a stab in the dark, but Cash gave me the vibe of someone who cared greatly about his appearance, and everyone knew that age was the enemy of vanity.