Page 72 of Broken Crown

I knew Mari had been through a lot; I was pretty sure that was the problem.

Pushing the thought away because I was nothing if not an expert-level avoider, I trekked down to Mari’s gym, only to find it empty. Making my way to the other side of the house, I found her covered in sweat, throwing punches at the heavy bag.

Mari was always spectacular. There was never a time, even in her grubbiest clothes, that she didn’t look gorgeous. But something about watching the precision with which she hit the bag did something to me. I felt myself getting hard the longer I watched her adjust her form, letting her anxiety loose.

She’s incredible.

“You going to stand there all night, or are you planning to join me?”

Caught and not even remotely ashamed, I smirked. “A little of both, actually. Just want to give you some time first.”

She shook out her arms, and I could see the fatigue in them. “I’ve had enough time.”

Grabbing one hand, I pulled the glove off and tossed it into the nearby hamper before unwrapping her hand. “You looked good.”

“My form or my ass?” she teased, switching hands when prompted.

“Both.” I tossed the last wrap away, massaging her fingers and wrist. “How’s the new boyfriend?”

“Partner,” she corrected, but I could see that giddy smile threatening to poke its way through. It was adorable, even more so because Mari wasn’t used to being soft anymore. “He’s great. We’re great.”

“I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you. Now, you want to tell me why you’re here in the middle of the night, or should I guess?”

Similar to Greyson, Mari had always looked at me like she could sense my soft underbelly. I had no doubt she could gut me—with words or weapons—without batting an eye. Maybe that was the problem. This woman who needed nothing and no one wasn’t the young girl who had been desperate for her prince to sweep her away from the life she was living. This woman reveled in it, and it was intimidating as fuck.


Shaking myself, I focused on her again. “Sorry. Stuck in my head.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I’m just worried about you. About tomorrow.”

Her eyes softened, and she stepped into my arms, cupping my cheeks in her small hands. “Don’t be. This is my job, and I’m good at it.”

With a gentle pull to bring us closer, she kissed me. In all the years I’d been gone, I’d missed kissing Mari the most. She always seemed to give herself over to it so there was no way to misinterpret what she meant. I loved feeling like I was the only one she was focused on, but as much as I wanted to sink into her lips, to take what she was so freely offering, I couldn’t. Her words burrowed under my skin until they itched.

This is my job, and I’m good at it.

I didn’t want her to be good at blood, death, and war. This wasn’t the life she deserved.

And it’s your fault she didn’t get it.

Breaking our kiss, I pushed her away. Not far, but enough to give me some space. I couldn’t breathe with her so close. Why couldn’t I breathe?


Gulping in air, I tried to explain because she looked so hurt. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt Mari, but I couldn’t fucking think, and nothing was coming out right. Christ, Greyson’s going to kill me. “I came back for you.”

Mari’s eyebrow arched. “So you’ve said, but you haven’t made a move.”

“I know. I just wasn’t expecting…this when I returned.”

“This?” she asked flatly, crossing her arms in front of herself. It wasn’t defensive, just protective. She was guarding herself from me, and I hated it.

“You. You weren’t who I was expecting.”