Page 71 of Broken Crown

For some reason, it made me laugh.

Both of us were breathing heavily, and I didn’t even have the strength to open my eyes, but I couldn’t stop.

“Fuck, I’ll never get used to this.” Grey ran his hands over me again, and my overstimulated body shook. He pulled off his jacket and tucked me into it before adjusting me so my legs were laid across the bench while he massaged the muscles again. I definitely needed it. “You okay, baby?”

“Amazing.” I cleared my throat, shocked at how raw my voice was.

“You soaked the seats.”

I could feel it; I just didn’t care. “Your fault.”

“Let me take you out, and I’ll do it again.”

I couldn’t help the stupid grin on my face as I twisted to throw my arms around his shoulders. “You wanna take me on a date, Greyson Andrews?”

Grey’s smile was so content, I didn’t want to ever look away. “Every day for the rest of our lives, Mari Marcosa. Say yes.”

“Yes.” To dinner, to dates, to all of it.

“You’re a dream come true, baby.”

Even though I had to get my SUV detailed because of him, so was he.

Chapter Twenty-Three


I wasn’t avoiding Mari; our schedules just hadn’t matched up. In fact, I hadn’t seen her since the meeting with the other heads. Either I was working, putting plans into place, or she was with Grey. I’d been making myself scarce to give them time to acclimate to being together, but her meeting with Cash was less than a day away and I couldn’t sleep. I wanted to see her before she went. Needed it.

Because something in the pit of my stomach was telling me whatever happened would be the real start of the war.

Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I pulled on some sweats and left my room, only to run into Greyson coming out of Mari’s.

“Is she there?” I nodded to the room behind him. Greyson had all but moved in the first night they fucked.

“Gym.” Meaning she couldn’t sleep either. Greyson looked me over and nodded to himself. “I was about to go down, but you should go. She’s been worried about how you’ll handle this. Her and me. You two could use a bit of time to reconnect.”

Mari was worried about me? I was the one who’d pushed her toward Grey. It was the sweetest torture to hear them going at it through the walls, but I was genuinely happy for them both. They didn’t realize how much they needed each other and how much damage being apart had done. Now they could heal that.

But where did that leave her and me?

“I appreciate it, man.”

“Sure thing.” I headed past him with a wave, turning back when he called my name. “Don’t jump into things with her unless you’re all in.”

He watched me like he’d peeled back my outer layers to see what I was hiding. I didn’t like it.

“I am,” I said, but it didn’t sound convincing.

The truth was, I saw them together and wondered why Mari was looking my way. No matter what they did or how they moved, they existed like extensions of each other. If soulmates were real, Greyson was Mari’s. And the more I watched, the more I felt like I wasn’t needed.

People had the capacity to love more than one person, but when you were already guaranteed the love of a lifetime, why would you?

Beyond that, a part of me wondered if the girl I loved was the one I’d left behind all those years ago, not the Mari living just down the hall. Sometimes I found myself unsettled around her. Like I was waiting for someone who would never reemerge, even though it was totally unfair of me to do so.

And all of that was wrapped up under a massive layer of guilt.

Greyson straightened up from his lean. “I’m not here to tell you what to do, but figure your shit out, okay? Hurt her, and I’ll gut you. She’s been through enough.” Then he disappeared behind her door.