Page 68 of Broken Crown

“Why not? That’s what I want, after all, for us to be family. Besides, Kieran’s been out of town for a few weeks, and he’s ready to dive headfirst back into things. What better way to do that than to watch his Da seal an alliance with the great Marianna Marcosa?”

I smiled demurely but said nothing. One thing I’d learned growing up was men like Sean, men with bigger egos than brains, hated silence. They needed to be the loudest voice in the room—the only voice—and more often than not, it got them into trouble.

I had no problem living in the silence. I learned more that way.

Sean’s nerves came slowly. The jiggle of his foot under the table, the twitch of his lip, his fingers tapping his thighs. The longer I kept quiet, the more anxious and uncomfortable he got. Even Kieran was shifting at his back.

Finally, I put them out of their misery. “Did you get the text?”

After waiting up all night for news that Jerron had gotten out of Seattle with his sister, I’d sent messages to the other leaders, warning them of my meeting with Cash. Since he was smart, I doubted the time or location would stay the same, but I wanted them to have notice anyway. If I could turn it into something close to an ambush, I would.

The sooner Cash Beckstrom got out of town, the better.

“I did. You set a trap for your little mouse.” Sean snuck another covetous glance at Greyson before focusing back on me.

Another sip of wine, though I was careful not to drink too much. I couldn’t afford to get sloppy. “I did. Will you be there?”

“That depends.” Sean settled back in his chair, lips twitching like he was trying to hide his smile. He didn’t need to; I could see the triumph in every part of how he held himself. He was so focused on thinking he’d won that he didn’t see what was in front of his face. “Have you made a decision?”

This is going to be so good. “I have.”


“I’ve decided to change the terms.”

Sean’s jaw ticked before he smoothed his expression. “I wasn’t aware we were negotiating.”

I didn’t roll my eyes, but it was a near miss. Even Greyson made an irritated noise behind me. “You’re a businessman, O’Bannon. Everything’s a negotiation.”

“List your terms, then.”

I sipped my wine again. “I came up with a counteroffer. My cousin Cameron will take Greyson’s place in the marriage, and you’ll follow the rest of the families at my lead. I’ll even throw in some cash for the unexpected groom change. Is one hundred thousand enough?”

Sean stared at me for the longest time until he barked with laughter. “This is a joke.”

Kieran shifted again, this time moving his hand toward his pocket. Grey didn’t hesitate. “You pull that on her, and you won’t make it out of here alive.”

Sean stood from his chair, damn near toppling it. “You come in here insulting me, and now you’re threatening my son. Is this how you do business, Marcosa? Because I have another offer for Aislynn that’s looking better and better every day.”

“It is. See, from what I can tell, I’m offering you the best deal you’ll get in this city. Kieran’s disrespect is another matter entirely.”

“How is this better? Your cousin is a thug.” Sean seethed. The warning bells at the back of my head rang, and I knew he didn’t just want Greyson as a manipulation tactic to get the upper hand with me. It was something else.

“So am I,” Grey muttered.

“My cousin is what he was always meant to be, so I’d keep his name out of your mouth unless it’s said with the respect it deserves.” I set down my wineglass before folding my hands together carefully. “If you need me to explain the benefit of my generous offer, just say so. But let’s not forget who I am. You’ll speak to me with respect, or you won’t speak again. Now, sit.”

There was a special place in my heart for making grown men look like idiots, and Sean O’Bannon had to be my favorite. The vein in his forehead throbbed in time with his pulse, and his neck started to flush an angry red. I could practically see his blood pressure rising.

When he finally reined himself in enough to speak, it was through gritted teeth as he sank into his chair. “Please explain.”

“Gladly. You get the marriage you wanted to unify us. Only this time, you get it with a direct line to my family via my beloved cousin. That ensures a closer bond between our families. Hell, Aislynn’s children would be heirs to the Marcosa empire until I have my own. That’s far more valuable than Greyson’s computer skills. There’s no way your other offer can compete.” I paused, smoothing my skirt across my thighs as if I needed the time to think. “Unless there’s a reason you need Greyson specifically. Are you looking to branch out with your services, or is there something I need to know, Sean?”

“This is because of you. Your tender heart can’t stand the thought of him with someone else.”

Not an answer. I filed that away to look into later.

“If Grey came to me and agreed to the marriage, I’d allow it, but he didn’t. He doesn’t want to marry Ash, and I won’t force him to. Cameron, however, is fine with the arrangement. I keep Greyson and the help you promised, and you get more clout with the other leaders and a little cash for your trouble. It’s a win-win, O’Bannon.”