Page 53 of Broken Crown

“You’ve been keeping secrets.” Ajilon’s amused tone on top of the absolute shock the others had shown was nearly enough to crack my Marcosa Queen mask. Nearly.

“You expect me to keep things in check here. To do that, I need to know what’s coming down the pipeline. It was common sense to get some higher-ups in my pocket.”

“Just how many do you have, Marcosa?” Haru asked.

“Enough,” Greyson answered. His grin was less than friendly, and it made me smile too, even knowing I shouldn’t. He’d been the one to find the dirt we needed to turn our newest allies, and he was the one who reminded them just how much they had to lose if their eyes glanced in another family’s direction.

Haru looked at me for confirmation, and I shrugged like it was no big deal to have the federal government in my pocket.

Mind games, mind games, mind games.

“So, we take the boy out and get the Feds off our back. Is that what you’re saying?” Kosas sat back in his chair, linking his fingers over his navel like he was relaxing after a good meal.

“Essentially,” I agreed sweetly.

He snorted at the vagueness, and I finally smiled. We weren’t friends, but we weren’t outright enemies either. All Kosas cared about was the bottom line. If I paid him for his time and his men, he’d be on board. It was the others I wasn’t sure about.

“What do we get if we help you?” Two-Bit asked, tapping his fingers against the tabletop. “My crew isn’t going to go into a war without some assurances.”

“I don’t expect you to. I’ll pay for any damages that come your way, including the loss of revenue or members. We’ve got evacuation plans in order in case things get a little more difficult than I’d prefer, but the goal is to disrupt daily life as little as possible. I want this taken care of quickly and quietly. As you said, I have other options, but they’re the last resort.”

That was an understatement. Calling in the cartel for the Aces was like calling an airstrike on a carjacking. Overkill and infinitely more dangerous to the long-standing stability of my territory and my reign. No, best deal with Cash myself and call in reinforcements if I absolutely had to.

Two-Bit and I stared at each other, an unspoken conversation passing where he agreed to keep his mouth shut and I agreed to give him more leeway the next time he came asking for something. Finally, he rapped the table with his knuckles. “I’m in, but my crew won’t go after him for blowing up your club or anything else he’s done to you directly. The Marcosa empire can clean up its own messes. We’ll help because he’s a threat to Seattle as a whole. That’s it.”

It was more than I expected from the smallest member of our little group. “Agreed.”

“Set up a meet first. We’ll sit Beckstrom down and talk through his demands. See if we can get through this without bloodshed. War’s not good for anyone’s bottom line.” I knew Ajilon was just making plans on the information that I’d given, minuscule as it was, but the time for conservative measures was over. It was time to strike hard and hot.

“One meeting,” Kosas countered. “There’s no time to let him get a bigger hold of the city if he’s already calling in the big guns.”

“Agreed,” said Haru. “If talking doesn’t work, we kill him quickly. No mercy.”

Ajilon, Kosas, and Two-Bit agreed, leaving me relieved. We had allies. We had a plan. All we needed was to find Cash, a feat we already struggled with.

“Agreed, though I’d prefer to discuss the specifics of my payment in private,” Sean drawled. In other words, his price was the same one he’d already asked for and the one thing I couldn’t give up.

“I appreciate your help in this matter. I’ll reach out once I’ve gotten everything sorted out for a meeting with Beckstrom. O’Bannon, stay behind.”

The men got up at their own speed, each taking the elevator down alone until only the Irishman remained with my men and me.

“I’ll be ready in a few,” I told Grey and Dominic. I knew they needed to know about the offer, but I had to know for sure there was no other way to get Sean’s help first. They both narrowed their eyes at Sean as they stepped over to the elevators with Sean’s men to give us privacy.

“Coming to us for help, little queen. I’m shocked.” Sean’s mocking gaze met mine, and I had to resist the urge to snark back.

“It’s in everyone’s best interest to get this shit sorted out. The last thing we need is the Feds sniffing around.”

“True.” He leaned forward, eyes sparkling. “Let’s talk price.”

I relaxed in my chair, letting him keep up the overeager routine. “I gave all of you the price already.”

“You did,” he agreed. “But no one else has an offer in discussion like I do already. Or do they? Are others coveting your pretty little second?” His lips spread into a mocking grin, and I had the urge to beat him with something for the first time in weeks.

It felt nice to get back to normal.

“Watch it, O’Bannon,” I warned. “Regardless of potential alliances, I still hold the city. Don’t forget it.”

“I haven’t and I won’t. It’s why I’m so keen on Andrews becoming an O’Bannon. Besides, it’s obvious that my daughter adores him. I’ve never seen her smile as much as she did at your club.” His brow tipped suggestively, like he knew something I didn’t.