Page 37 of Broken Crown

“Dance with me, Dominic.”

She didn’t need to tell me twice. I gripped her waist, pulling her in until I felt every minute move she made. For the longest time, we just moved together. She had no space, no air, no breath without me. My hands roamed her back, her hips, her ass—everything I could reach.

I hadn’t touched Mari since I was a teenager, and now that I had her in my arms again, I wanted her even more. Shallow breaths against my neck and soft groans she thought I didn’t hear told me she liked it as much as I did.

“Let me kiss you.” I didn’t mean to say it, but I wanted it.

She groaned again, her body pressed tight against mine. I didn’t know how many songs we’d danced through, but we were both soaked with sweat. “Dominic.”

Fuck, that voice. Soft and breathy, almost too quiet to hear over the noise of the club. “Say yes, Mari. Say yes.”


Fuck yes. I tilted her chin up, ghosting my lips over hers once, twice, before?—

“You’re back.”

Mari and I whipped around. I didn’t recognize the guy in front of us, but Mari obviously did.


Who the fuck is Grant?

“Hey, Mari girl. How are you?”

I looked at him again. He was handsome enough. Short curls around his head, skin so tanned it was nearly brown, and enough muscle to know he kept in shape, but it was the way he looked at Mari that struck me the most. His gaze ran over her like he knew what she was wearing under that dress.


“You looking for someone tonight?” That he asked was confirmation enough.

He’s had her before. Tasted her. Heard her scream.

I hated him.

She didn’t answer as she pressed herself tighter into my arms, so I did. “She’s got me.”

Surprisingly, he backed down with nothing more than a wink and a Call me if you change your mind.

As soon as he was out of sight, I had her hair wrapped around my hand, head tipped back. I wanted her to look me in the eye as she told me all about Grant. “Was that one of your regular fuckboys, or was he a one-time deal?”

She licked her lips, eyes darting down to mine and up again. “One time.”

“Hmm. Did you have fun with him?”

A shrug. “Sure. He’s not what I’m interested in tonight.”

Tonight. She said it like she could change her mind about me at any time. It pissed me off. “Is that all you want? Tonight?”


There was an edge of insanity in the way I kissed her neck, her shoulders. The way I nipped here and there. Marked her so everyone knew she was taken. Mari didn’t make a single complaint as I did it either. “Fucking perfect. My perfect fucking girl.”

“For tonight.”

If she said it again, I was going to scream. Instead, I wrapped a hand around that pretty little neck and ghosted my lips over hers again. “I’ve been dreaming of your taste for years, mariposa. You going to let me have it now?”
