Page 34 of Broken Crown

Dominic didn’t seem too nervous, but I figured that came with time. “How long have you known these two?”

“A decade. Maybe more?” She looked at me like I’d know, but I shrugged. I couldn’t really remember a time when she hadn’t been around, the big sister I’d always wanted.

Dominic’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t remember you.”

“Funny, I don’t remember you either. Must not be too important,” she tossed over her shoulder, dragging me toward the bar. “Who is he?”


Her steps faltered, but she found her footing quickly. “Ah.”

“Yeah. Ah.”

Angel that she was, Shara changed the subject. “I assume this pop-by isn’t for a chat.”

“Grey needs to get the accounting software sorted.”

She hugged him before he disappeared into the offices. “Thank god. The backlog’s been stressing me out.”

“You should have called.” I didn’t want to reprimand her, but she had a hard time remembering that she didn’t have to do everything alone. I could practically hear Grey thinking, Just like you.

Finally alone, Shara knocked my shoulder with hers. “Are you and Greyson okay?”

No. “I don’t know.” I blew out a long breath. There was so much to explain, I didn’t know where to start. “Girls’ night soon?”

She watched me, knowing I was copping out. “Sure, babe. Girls’ night.”

I glanced around the room and found my eyes drawn to pale blond hair and a pair of bright-blue eyes.


Damn. The uniform’s deep maroon shirt sleeves were rolled up, showcasing a set of really nice forearms. Thanks to the color, he looked tanner, like a surfer boy on a date. It worked for him. For me, too.

Reining myself in, I asked, “What do you think about him?”

Shara swiveled on her stool to see who I was looking at. “Black? Good kid. Hard worker. Easy on the eyes too.”

Jealousy swamped me, and the deep breath I took wasn’t enough to get rid of it. “You interested?”

Shara hadn’t dated since Antoni died. Not seriously. If she wanted Nate, I knew I’d back off, even if I hated it.

Shara laid a hand over mine, squeezing until I looked up. The light glinted off the chain around her neck and my mother’s engagement ring, the one Antoni had given her three months before he died. Even though she didn’t wear it on her finger anymore, she never took it off. My brother had been devoted to her, and I appreciated that even though she was trying to move on, she kept him close. “Nate’s great, but he’s not my type. Are you? Interested, I mean.”

“No.” Yes.

I should’ve known better than to lie to Shara. Her face split into a toothy grin, and I sagged as she laughed at me. Didn’t even have to say anything.

“He’s just… He’s different.” There was no other way to explain it. When he looked at me, I felt like he could see inside me to the person I’d always tried to be. Where everyone saw Marianna Marcosa, he just saw Mari. It was addictive.

Shara hummed, tapping her fingers on the counter. “I think you should go for it.”

“He’s an employee.”

“And? You’re not his direct boss. Besides, maybe it’ll kick Greyson’s ass in gear.”

“Shara,” I warned. She held up her hands in surrender, and for a moment, I let myself be vulnerable. “What if he doesn’t want me? I mean, who wants to date a made woman?”

“Then that’s his loss. You’re incredible. Now, go get him.”