Page 29 of Broken Crown

What? My brows creased. “Robot?”

“Yeah. Blue suit, dancing with the hot-as-fuck brunette? You know, the one who can’t take his eyes off you for two seconds. That robot.”


“What about him?”

Cash shrugged. “Just surprised, is all. He hasn’t let you out of his sight in weeks. Not since the other one croaked.”

Thoughts of Rey rushed forward, and I forced them to roll off my back so I could focus on what he’d said. While not technically true that Grey hadn’t left my side in weeks, Cash’s assessment gave me the start of a timeline. Rey’s death. The familiarity Cash seemed to have with my routine before the attempt on my life made me think he’d been around while Rey was still breathing. However, I had to be sure. “Did you make it in time for the wake?”

He hummed under his breath. “Sad to say, I didn’t. I was otherwise occupied.”

Hiding, more like. Zander had already confirmed it. But why were the Aces hiding out when the chaos of a death in my family would’ve been the perfect time to make a move. Unless they’d had a hand in things already.

“You shot my cousin.” It was out of my mouth before I’d properly thought it through, but things made sense. The assassination attempt and Rey’s death, despite the lack of conflict in the city. The fact that no one claimed either one, when it would’ve been a crowning achievement for some. Zander hunkering down with the Aces after the funeral.

Why would a man who typically chose the winning side defect to an unknown player?

Because they’d already landed a monumental blow.

Rage built in my system as Cash dipped his head. Not quite a nod, more like an acknowledgment. “If it helps, he wasn’t the target.”

“It doesn’t,” I snapped. The need to make him bleed was almost unstoppable. I clenched my hands, letting my fingernails bite into my palms to quell the urge. Keep it together. You’ve got a job to do.

Cash glanced at my hands and sighed. “You’re upset with me.”

“You killed my cousin,” I repeated through gritted teeth. Was he for real?

“I did, but to be fair, I’ve never understood the concept of a family like yours. To me, people are disposable. They’re meat sacks that are only useful for a while. The moment they make things harder, I get rid of them. It really was nothing personal. Besides, how was I supposed to know he’d take the shot for you? That was pretty brave.”

The smells of that day invaded my senses, and I wondered if Cash would make use of the distraction to end me.

He didn’t, leaving me more confused than ever.

“You think people are disposable? Human lives mean nothing to you?”


Searching his gaze, I realized he meant it. People meant absolutely nothing to him. They were a means to an end, and I wondered if there was a bit of sociopathy in him.

What a sad life, to live in a world where you don’t understand love and friendship.

“Has there been a single special person in your life, Cash?” I doubted he’d answer, but I was curious to know. He seemed to think about it before wagging his finger at me.

“I know what you’re doing. Trying to befriend me so I’ll give you all my secrets. Tsk, tsk, tsk.” He shook his head, a faint smile on his lips. “I’ll tell you this one for free, though. This family shit you’ve got happening is going to get you dead. They should be soldiers in your army. Instead, they’re chinks in your armor. If you don’t sort it out, you’ll find yourself six feet under.”

“Thanks,” I said dryly. My clutch vibrated once, twice, three times under my fingers, and relief flowed through me. Grey had realized I was gone. He was coming for me. I just had to make it a little while longer with Cash. Then I’d go home, slip into workout clothes, and vent my rage on the punching bag while picturing his stupid fucking face.

But first, I had more questions. “You don’t seem like the type to decide on world domination over lunch, Cash. How long has this plan been going on?”

He seemed confused on the topic change, but he brushed it off. “Years, little queen. Years. Your father would’ve figured it out ages ago, but he always was ahead of the game.”

The way he spoke of Mario was telling. There was a familiarity in his tone, a knowledge that only came from personal contact and a lot of it. My father wasn’t someone you forgot, even in death. Which led my thoughts on a wild-goose chase.

I didn’t think Cash’s face was familiar, but memories were crowding their way forward unexpectedly. Meetings with my father, visiting his drug warehouses when Marcosa was synonymous with the trade. Conversations about screwing over the cartel. Memories that I had a feeling Cash would have too. I tried to picture him younger, closer to twenty than forty, but I couldn’t. So I just asked, “Have we met before?”

His grin widened, and I knew I was on the right track. “We have, little queen. You’ve grown up beautifully, though I wasn’t expecting a trail of men to follow you.”