Page 11 of Broken Crown

I stepped away, needing more space than I’d ever get in his embrace. “You’re right, you have been gone a long time. Too long, some would say. We had our chance a lifetime ago, Dominic. So, if that’s the only reason you’re here, you can see your way out.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he snarled. “Why can’t you see that?”

Since he’d been gone damn near twenty years, I thought his frustration with me was a little unjustified, but if he wanted to prove himself, I’d let him. Only time would tell if he was in it for the long haul, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. It wasn’t in my nature. “Then we’re in agreement.”

Dominic stared at me through narrowed eyes, and I wondered if he could still read me like a book. Finally, he nodded. “I’ll be a consummate professional when I need to be.”

It wasn’t enough and we both knew it, but I let it slide. I’d had enough emotional drama for the day, and I still had Greyson to contend with. Motioning Dominic back to his seat, I sat in my own and made a decision I knew would create a shitstorm in its wake. Since it felt right, I decided to deal with the aftermath when it hit. “We’re having a summit in two days. If you can get a nomination from three of the four capos, I’ll accept.”

We were meeting to discuss the Aces problem. With no luck on intel from our normal sources, we needed to tap our informants across the city before we got caught with our pants down again. It was as good a time as any to introduce Dominic if he could get the nominations.

Dominic’s brows rose. “Even if your dog disagrees?”

Lord give me patience with these two. “I know things work differently in other families, but in mine, you and Grey will be on equal footing. I suggest you learn how to play nicely because I don’t have time to mediate your issues while I’m trying to keep my heart beating. Understood?”

I speared Dominic with a look, and he inclined his head in a move so like Greyson, I nearly laughed. “Of course.”

He didn’t promise to behave, and stupid I was not, so I knew they’d be at each other’s throats when my back was turned. But I didn’t care. So long as no one died, they could beat each other black and blue in the sparring ring every day. Whatever it took to keep the boat afloat.

Done with our conversation and the day, I stood. “I’ll have your old room made up for you. Sleep well, Dominic.”

“Sweet dreams, mariposa.”

Chapter Five


Leaving Mari after being in her orbit again felt wrong. We needed time together after so much separation, a chance to reconnect and reforge the bond we’d once had.

As her future underboss, I needed her to trust me, but that wasn’t what drove me toward her room. The truth was, I’d missed her. I wanted her friendship back. I got all the way to her door before I realized my arrival in the aftermath of Rey’s death was probably overloading her. What she needed was space to come to terms with everything. She had to get used to me again.

And I knew she had doubts about me, about us. I didn’t blame her.

I should have come home sooner.

I had no excuse other than I was comfortable in my life. In the monotony of being normal. Of not having to be in a world that fought wars right under the noses of soccer moms and everyday dads. Civilians knew jack shit about what we went through, what we endured, even as children. Mari and I might have grown up separately, but we’d lived the same life. Her as Mario’s only daughter, and me as the only surviving heir of a dying family. We had the same responsibilities.

It all pared down to one goal—the continued survival of our people, our family.

Sue me for choosing something different the second I could. For once, I wanted to be one of those normal, unsuspecting people. I wanted to walk to the coffee shop without looking over my shoulder and fuck whoever I wanted without having to worry about potential alliances and heirs. To get a shitty job that sucked the life out of me without fearing someone restarting territory disputes. I wanted to be free.

I hadn’t realized Mari was the cost of that freedom until it was too late.

“If you think she’s the moonstruck girl you left, you’re wrong. She’s had to do more for her own survival than you can imagine.”

Greyson’s ambush wasn’t a surprise. That he’d waited until I was finally in front of my room was. I turned, tossing on the mask I’d perfected in Chicago. The I can make butter melt in my mouth mask that got me free drinks and dropped panties wherever I went. It wouldn’t work on Grey like that, but it would annoy him, and that was enough for me.

“Believe me, I understand she’s all woman now. I’ve got eyes.”

I was baiting him, but guilt made my chest tight until I either lashed out or lost my mind. I knew Mari wasn’t the same girl I’d left behind, and that would always be my fault.

Greyson’s lips twisted into a snarl. “Be respectful, or I’ll remove you from her life myself.”

“Is that any way to talk to your new underboss?”

He didn’t miss a beat. “You haven’t been inducted yet. There’s still time for you to disappear again. I bet Mari wouldn’t even be surprised.”

Fuck, that hurt. Grey had always had the ability to pick at my insecurities, but hearing Mari’s doubts come out of his mouth was too much. It was the only reason I opened mine.