Page 22 of Intercept

We slowed to a walk and went over to grab a drink of water before we started stretches.

"You're not taking life advice from Bam are you?" Chase asked Ollie.

I think he meant it to be a tease, but it rubbed me all the wrong way.

"Fuck off," I snapped.

"Hey," Hawk's tone held a warning. "All right, settle down."

"I will if he backs off," I grumbled.

Chase spread his hands out like he didn't know what was up. "Chill out, man. I'm just joking around."

"Yeah, well, don't," I snapped. "I'm not in the mood."

"That's obvious," Chase said. He smirked at me.

I shot him a look. For someone I thought of as a friend, I wanted to wipe the smile off his face right now.

"I said, settle down," Hawk growled. "The last thing we need is to fight amongst ourselves."

"Yeah, let's not all get fired," Chase said. He gave me a look before he turned away.

If it wasn't for Ollie's hand on my arm, I might have launched myself at him.

I sucked in a hard breath through my nose and nodded. "Thanks, I'm okay."

Ollie nodded back and lowered his arm. "At least he didn't put lemon juice in your water again."

"If he did, he'd be wearing it all over his head," I grumbled. I almost wished he had done that. Pouring it over him would be more fun than punching him, and would get us both in a lot less trouble.

Ollie grinned. "I'd pay to see that."

"You would?" I asked. "I'll figure something out. I could use a few more dollars." I didn't go around splashing what I had, like some of the guys. I didn't want much more than the things I needed. Besides, I wanted money in the bank for my old age. That might be a long way off, but it was never too early to start planning.

"I'll talk to Chase," Ollie said, his expression as mischievous as I ever saw on him. "He's been itching to prank someone for a while now."

"I bet." I couldn't resist scowling at the back of Chase's head. We'd make up, we always did. By tonight, this whole conversation would be forgotten. For now though, I'd hold a grudge for a little while. It would give me more energy for stretching, and someone other than myself to be angry with.

If Carson Thomas really came back early, then the shit was about to hit the fan. I didn't want to be under it when it bounced off and spread all over the place.



"How could this happen?" Carson Thomas slammed his fist down onto the table. "I was very clear about what had to take place here."

I flinched. "I know. I mean, yes, sir, you were." I swallowed down a ball of nerves and anger. "I don't know why he didn't show up." I also didn't know why Bam wasn't here, sharing the brunt of the team owner's anger.

"I called and texted, but got no reply." I did everything short of turning up at his door and knocking on it so hard I woke up the city.

Carson looked about ready to grind his teeth down to his gums. "You didn't escort him to the gala."

"No." I imagined the expression on Bam's face if I even suggested I do that. Getting him to give in and wear a suit was hard enough.

In retrospect, he could have saved us both that whole conversation by agreeing to it. If he had no intention of showing up anyway, it didn't matter what he'd agreed to.

"We planned to meet there, at the event," I said finally. I wanted to point out Bam was a grown man, more or less capable of making his way around Storm Valley without me holding his hand.