Page 19 of Intercept

"I'm sure you're not part of the reason why he's…" I trailed off before I said something bad about her father. That was a line I really shouldn't cross.

"A cheating asshole?" she suggested.

"I was going to say restless," I said as politely as I could.

"Restless cheating asshole works too," Rubie said. "Funny how he was pissed at Bam for acting out, but he never bothers to check his own behaviour."

This was becoming uncomfortable for me. I didn't mind her venting, but Carson was still my boss. It would be difficult to respect him if I knew his deepest, darkest secrets. Or were they secrets? Chances were the internet knew, or pretended to anyway.

"I'm sure he's only pissed at Bam because his behaviour could have directly impacted the team," I said slowly. Most football fans seemed a lot more interested in the players than the team owner, unless they were in the public eye a lot.

"Or my father is rich enough to buy any photos the paparazzi take," Rubie said. "Whatever. I shouldn't be dumping my shit on you anyway. Sorry about that." She seemed genuine in her apology.

"I don't mind at all," I said firmly. "Everyone needs a friend to confide in."

"We're friends now?" She seemed amused by that, for some reason.

"Sure," I said lightly. "Why not?" I arched an eyebrow at her, a silent challenge. She could blow me off if she wanted, but here was her chance not to.

"I can't think of a reason," she said. She waved down a server. "Glass of water, please." When the server bustled off, she added, "I don't drink. I have plenty of other vices, but I've never been a fan of alcohol, or drunk people. Or high ones, for that matter."

I nodded. "Water is better for you." I was only drinking wine to steady my nerves. I glanced around again, but still saw no sign of Bam. The speeches were coming to an end.

I pulled out my phone and checked the screen. No messages. No apologies or excuses. Nothing.

"I suppose he could have gotten stuck in traffic." I put my phone away.

"Or he decided not to come," Rubie said. "He wouldn't be the first spoilt sportsman. He won't be the last."

"Yeah." But his days on the team were numbered if he didn't show up, and so were mine. If he wanted to throw away his career faster than a ball in play, that was up to him, but if he took me down with him…

"Dad's going to be pissed as hell." Rubie grinned as though the whole thing was hilarious. Maybe she enjoyed seeing her father disappointed and angry.

I didn't want to see either of those things.

"You could try calling him," she suggested.

"Right." I pulled my phone back out and dialled his number.

"No answer." I was going to tear him a new one when I saw him next. I was going to?—

I sagged a little. I wasn't going to do anything, because if I hadn't gotten through to him the other day, I never would. Bloody hard headed man.

"What an asshole," Rubie said.

"Yeah," I agreed. "That's a good word for him. What a total, stubborn, dumbass asshole." I half listened to the rest of the speeches with a hollow feeling in my chest.



"What you got, butter on your hands?" I shouted.

Chase flipped me the finger and scooped the ball up off the turf. "You're supposed to throw it to me, not over my head, dumbass."

"I was aiming right at you, dumbass," I retorted. "Not my fault you can't catch for nuts."

He grinned and snapped the ball at me as hard as he could.