Page 57 of Intercept

Another beat later I moved everything aside and rested my forehead on the table.

"Yes. Yes I would. I care about him and it was so freakin' good." I wanted to cry or scream. Maybe both at the same time.

Bec patted my hand. "You poor thing. They should make it illegal to be hot and skilled. But then, Hawk would be locked away for life."

I rolled my head to the side and made a face at her. "I'll take your word for it." Before anyone could give me a weird look, I lifted my head.

"You must think I'm nuts. I'm usually more worried about cats than my love life."

"It's past time you thought about yourself," Bec said. "Cats are adorable, but do they keep you warm at night?"

I frowned. "Yes, they do."

Bec chuckled. "Bad example."

I smiled. "Yeah, just a bit. I can also tell them anything and they don't talk back."


"They can't buy you chocolate," Bec said.

"I can buy my own," I said.

"My next argument was that cats can't satisfy you in bed, but I guess you can do that yourself too."

I made a face. "Well…" It's much more fun with someone else. "I'm sure you didn't come here to talk about that."

"I'm here to support my friend, no matter what that means," she said. "I said I'd help with this party. I could act as a go between, between you and Bam. Or Hawk could. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"I think it would be better not to have his friends in the middle of this," I said. "It could impact the team." I'd be the villain here if I did anything that would risk the Rapids' progress this season. I'd be hated by fans everywhere if they knew, and myself if they didn't.

"I don't even want you in the middle of it," I added. It might end badly for her and Hawk and that would make the situation even worse. "Just be around in case I need a shoulder to cry on. Okay?"

"Always," she said firmly."Anywhere, any time. You only have to call, or text. You know that."

"Yeah, I do," I said gratefully. "I don't know what I'd do without you. Or Ashley." Even Rubie was someone I felt comfortable talking to, although I barely knew her. Each woman was very different, but they all had my back and I had theirs.

"You're the best," I said. "I'm so lucky to have you as a friend." Too many people paired up with someone else and forgot their friends. Bec wasn't like that. She always managed to squeeze me in, no matter how busy she was.

"No, you," she shot back.

"We could argue this all day," I said. "Let's call us both awesome and lucky and move on." I held out my hand.

She shook it. "Deal." After a pause she said, "But really, you."

I picked up my empty wrapper and tossed it at her. She caught it and tossed it back. It flew past my shoulder and landed on the floor.

A server gave us a dirty look as she passed the table, and bent to scoop it up.

"Oops, sorry," I said, my face red. I really was having a bad day. Normally, I'd tell myself I should have stayed in bed, but this morning the bed was Bam's. I should have stayed in mine yesterday morning. Or something like that.

"We should go before they kick us out," I said.

"I don't think I've ever been kicked out of a cafe," Bec said.

"There's a first time for everything." I slipped an extra note on top of the price of my coffee and muffin.

I gave Bec a hug and promised to text her with a time and place to discuss the plan for the party.