Page 77 of Snap

"For your own good," Skye said. "We need you around for many more years to come."

"Only so you two have someone to boss around." Carson eyed them both but smiled. He looked toward me and said, "Make sure you take care of Rubie. Don't let her worry about me so much she doesn't look after herself."

"I'll try," I promised. "She is very strong willed."

"Yes, she is," he said proudly. "I've made a lot of money, but she is the best thing I ever made." He actually teared up a little.

"She's very special," I agreed. "I'll make sure she rests. She won't want to end up in the room across the hall."

"No, she doesn't," Rubie said dryly. "But you'll be in that room if you don't stop talking about me like I'm not here."

I smiled and put an arm around her waist. "At least wait until after the Down Under Bowl."

"You can still play without your balls," she pointed out.

I winced. "Okay, you've made your point. But your father is right, it's time I took you home so you can get some sleep."

She gave me a look which, without words, spoke volumes.

Thank you for being here for me when I needed you.

"I love you," she said softly. So softly at first I wasn’t sure I heard right. Then her words sunk in.

"I love you too."



Dad was cranky from lying on the couch all day, but he was looking better than he had a few days ago.

"At least you have more than one couch," I pointed out. "You can choose which one to lie on. Some people have to lie on the same one all the time."

He rolled his eyes at me. "Having multiple couches doesn't reduce boredom. I should be in the office, working. You won't even let me touch a laptop."

"No, I won't," I said unapologetically. "Not until the doctor says that it's okay. Even then, you should probably wait."

He gave us a scare, I didn't want him rushing back into anything. Until now, I thought he was invincible, that he would be around to annoy me for a long time.

Now, I realised he was human like the rest of us. And I wasn't ready to lose him.

"If you were my nurse, I'd fire you," he said with a scowl. "You have the worst bedside manner."

"You're just cranky because I won't let you binge The Bachelorette." I picked up his empty coffee cup and held it in my hands.

He snorted. "Can you blame me? She was just about to make her choice."

I rolled my eyes. "You were shouting at the TV."

He nestled down deeper into his pile of questions and grunted. "She never should have sent that blonde guy," he waved a hand, "what was his name? She shouldn't have sent him home."

I shrugged. "You're way too invested in a bunch of people on a TV show."

Personally, I thought he was right. The blonde guy was cute, and clearly head over heels in love with her.

Ugh, what was I thinking? Maybe I turned the show off because I was getting too involved with it.

"Whose fault is that?" Dad asked. "If you'd hand me my laptop, I wouldn't have to watch TV."