Page 62 of Snap

"Okay guys, time for your beauty shots," Coach called out.

"He is definitely talking to me," Bam said. He adjusted the hem of his shirt and strutted over to the waiting press.

"I don't know how he fits through the door with that ego of his." Chase shook his head and smiled.

"I think the rest of us would give him a run for his money," I remarked.

"Looks like the boss is joining us." Chase nodded ahead of him.

My heart skipped a beat. For a moment I thought he was talking about Rubie. Then I saw Carson Thomas wearing a tailored, dark grey suit and looking approximately a billion dollars.

I was somewhere between disappointed and relieved, but then Rubie stepped into the room. I forgot to think at all. She wore tailored black jeans and the green shirt she bought when we met. If any woman ever fit the description 'sex on legs,' she did. Her hair hung down past her shoulders in soft, red waves. I wanted to tangle my fingers in it and bring her mouth to mine.

She caught sight of me and offered me a wary smile.

I offered her one in return.

"Okay," the photographer called out. "If you can stand over here." He waved to an empty section of wall.

The players moved in a bunch. Everyone looked as awkward as I felt.

Except Bam. He strutted around like he owned the Rapids.

"Okay. Can you move there? And you move there." The photographer waved us in this direction and that, arranging us in two lines. "You guys will have to kneel."

He waved me to a spot.

I found myself standing next to Rubie. I gave her a tentative smile. "Hey."

"Hey, yourself." The back of her hand brushed against mine.

A jolt of electricity passed right through my body. It threatened to invade my groin. The last thing I needed in my life was a photo of me with a boner.

I stood behind one of the kneeling guys, using him as a shield, while thinking unsexy thoughts as hard as I could.

"Isn't this fun?" Rubie whispered sarcastically.

"You don't like photoshoots?" I whispered back, genuinely curious.

"Not when they're a fuss like this." Her gaze followed her father as he moved to stand on the other side of the team. She looked furious.

"He dragged you into this?" I guessed.

She shook her head just slightly. "No, I volunteered. I decided it would be safer not to let him out of my sight. I don't know what he might say next."

I thought she might be joking, but I wasn't sure. "I'm glad you're not here against your will."

"Definitely not," she said firmly. "This is just part of the job, for both of us." She gave me a sly smile. "If I was to ever bet again, I'd bet you don't enjoy these kinds of things either."

"I'd rather be at Waves having a burger and a beer," I said. "But if we lost the other night, I might be there drowning my sorrows. I guess I should count my blessings."

"We both should," she agreed. Her fingers brushed against mine. Her gaze locked on my face. "I really am sorry."

"I know," I said. "Me too. I might have overreacted."

"No, you didn't." She wound a couple of her fingers in mine. "Okay, maybe a little."

I smiled. "Thanks. I think."