Page 7 of Snap

Only if I want to kiss my football career goodbye. Which I didn’t.

"You know anywhere nice and quiet?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." The look she gave me made me wonder what I was getting myself into.

I couldn’t wait to find out.



In the end, I took Ollie's advice and bought both blouses. I actually intended to try on a bunch of other stuff, but the moment I saw him, the idea of shopping went right out of my head. I know, that's crazy isn't it? Guys didn't usually catch my eye for more than a few minutes. The moment they realised who I was, they either ran or wanted to get to know my money better.

But this guy— He was something else. He obviously had no idea who I was. I had a feeling if he did know, he wouldn't care.

Okay, I'm not that naïve. I've met guys in the past who were experts at faking it. I mean, a guy this good-looking would have been around the block a few times. Right? No way he could be as sweet as he seemed.

Was it wrong that I hoped he actually was?

I had to be subtle about buying the blouses. I might be a spoiled little rich girl, but I knew that by the standards of most people, these were expensive. A lot of women couldn't afford one, much less two. Putting both on Dad's credit card wouldn't go unnoticed.

So, when Ollie said something about grabbing his coat and scarf, I made a dash for the checkout desk. With any luck, he wouldn't notice that the bag was slightly fuller than it would have been with only one blouse inside. I folded the top of the bag down and tucked it under my arm.

If I was a master of anything, it was hiding purchases. At least until my father got his credit card bill.

"Hey," he greeted me as I approached the door. A coat was draped over one of his muscular arms, and a scarf over the top of that.

I noticed the Storm Valley Rapids colours and grimaced. Everywhere I went, there they were.

"You're a football fan," I stated.

He looked uncomfortable for a moment. "Yeah. I mean, I guess you could say that. You don't like it?"

"I can think of better ways to get hot and sweaty." I gave him a slow smile.

With fascination, I watched the blush climb up his cheeks. He really did seem kind of shy. Considering how hot he was, that was adorably funny. I mean, you think someone would have corrupted him by now.

Honestly, that was a good reason I should turn my back and walk away right now, to save him from me. I even took a step towards the door, but that was as far as I got.

For some reason I couldn't explain, I was frozen to the spot, my eyes on his.

Blue, they were a few shades darker than mine. I might get lost in there if I was lucky.

"You said you know a place?" he asked.

"Huh? Oh, right. Yes. It's not far from here, we can walk." I took another step towards the door but he put a hand out to stop me.

"Do you have a coat? he asked.

"Not with me," I admitted. "I parked nearby and wasn't really planning to—you know, go anywhere." Any other time, I'd just buy one, but that would arouse suspicion. I didn't want to upset this… Whatever this was.

"Here," he shook his coat open and draped it around my shoulders, "this will keep you warm." Before I could stop him, he even wound his scarf around my neck.

"Thank you." If my father could see me now. This was exactly the photo opportunity he was looking for, Rapids scarf and all.

Usually, I'd take a selfie and post it on social media, but I didn't. I didn't want the world to intrude on this.

Yeah, maybe I was delusional. I was Rubie Thomas, there was no way the world wouldn't intrude.