"You're expecting a film crew and some cameras?" I asked teasingly.
He grinned. "Now I'm worried I should be looking around for hidden cameras."
I stepped up to him and wound my arms around his neck. "Babe," I said slowly, "if I had cameras, you would never find them."
He chuckled. His breath brushed my cheek. "I believe you," he said.
"You better," I said, my voice low and husky. "Are you going to kiss me?"
One of his eyebrows quirked upwards. "What, no coffee first?"
I matched his eyebrow raise with one of my own. "If you want coffee I can get you coffee."
"I think I have all I need to drink, right here," he said. He lowered his mouth to mine in a kiss so hot it would have melted the sun.
It melted me.
My knees threatened to buckle under me and take us both down to the floor. My heart raced louder than a waterfall. My pussy was almost as wet as one.
I broke off the kiss long enough to gasp, "Holy shit."
"You felt that too, hmmm?" he asked. He curled his fingers in my hair.
"Yeah. It felt like fireworks. It's too early for New Years." I worked his tie undone and held on to the ends while it was still wound around his neck.
"It's better than fireworks," he said, his voice so low and deep the rest of me threatened to melt. "It's Down Under Bowl season."
I grimaced at him. "Ugh. That's the opposite of an aphrodisiac."
He chuckled. "Really? I'll have to work on that. I might just change your mind."
"Good luck with that," I said dryly. Just the mention of football was like a bucket of cold water on my head.
He stroked my hair. "Sorry, I didn't mean to spoil the moment." The look of disappointment on his face ignited my heart again.
"You didn't." Using his tie to pull him closer, I kissed him, first lightly, then with growing urgency. I opened my mouth and his tongue slammed against mine.
I moaned against his mouth. Still gripping his tie, I pulled him toward the bedroom.
Walking backward, I pushed the ajar door all the way open with my back.
Every few steps, he worked a button loose on my blouse. My calves touched the bed just as he pushed the fabric off my shoulders.
"You might need to let go of my tie," he said, a laugh in his voice.
"Never," I growled playfully. I held both ends in one hand and shook one sleeve loose, then swapped to the other.
"You have skills." He sounded impressed.
I laughed low in the back of my throat. "Oh, you have no idea." I dragged his mouth back down to mine. He was about to find out.
I lay back and pulled him down with me. Keeping the end of his tie in one hand, I undid the buttons on his shirt with the other.
Sweet baby Jane. I suspected he might be ripped, but I had no idea. Every inch of his skin was firm and lightly tanned. His chest and arms were all muscle. I made a bet with myself that his back was muscled as well. His stomach was flat, all the way down to the V of his hips.
I'd heard guys referred to as ‘lickable,’ but I'd never seen one.
Until now.