"Lots of people, I think," he said uncertainly. "But it would be boring if we all like the same thing. Right?"
"Right," I agreed. "I might start with the little quiches. I prefer those to fishy things that look like snot."
He laughed. "I like how honest you are. I bet no one gets away with anything around you."
"I wouldn't take that bet," I said with a wry smile. "Sometimes I know when to keep my mouth shut." Not very often, but it was known to happen.
A woman walked past our table. She glanced at me, stopped and glanced again. Her brow furrowed. I could almost see what she was thinking. She knew me from somewhere but wasn't sure where. That or she knew exactly who I was, and was trying to decide whether or not she should interrupt our meal.
I gave her a mild look. Not welcoming, and not threatening. On the inside I was praying like crazy she'd keep walking without saying anything.
She glanced at Ollie and her frown deepened.
I looked over to him. To my surprise his eyes were wide. If I had to guess I'd say he was worried. Ex-girlfriend? Mother? I couldn't think why else he had that expression on his face.
Unless he was hiding something.
"Can I help you?" I found myself saying.
"Hmmm?" The woman's eyes swung back to me. "Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to be rude. It's just that you both look…familiar. I didn't mean to stare." She hurried away from the table with only a glance back over her shoulder.
"Well that was interesting," I said. "Anyone would think we're famous or something."
Ollie gave a funny little laugh. "Yeah, I guess she mistook us for someone else."
I leaned back in my chair. "It's not surprising, I suppose. You could probably pass as a movie star or a model."
He smiled wryly. "At least you didn't say porn star."
"Now that you mention it…" I might watch porn if he was in it. Better yet, we could make some of our own. Not on camera. There was no way I'd risk that leaking out to the public.
"Not a chance," he said firmly.
"Don't tell me," I said, "your mother would kill you?"
"She wouldn't have to," he said, his expression dark. "I'd be fired at best and crucified on social media at worst."
I sighed. "Ah yes, social media. Where would we be without it? How would you know what to eat, who you want to look like, and how to judge people?"
I had a shit ton of followers, and some influence, but I was realistic about social media. I mean, I wouldn't be influenced by me. What did I know about anything?
Okay, I could suggest to people what to wear, and tell them what make up and books I liked best, and that they should do what they could to help the environment, but there were far more qualified people than me out there.
"Exactly," Ollie said. "I just want to live my life, without it becoming the front page of some online magazine or speculation in some forum somewhere."
"Luckily they don't care about nobodies like us," I said lightly. "Right?" He wasn’t wrong about online trolling. I’d had to learn to ignore them, for my own sanity. I'd never understand why people felt the need to get on a keyboard and trash talk someone they didn’t even know. At least meet a person before you call them a useless waste of oxygen. Or better yet, don’t say shit like that.
He knitted his brows. "You're not a nobody," he said firmly. "You are…" He hesitated, obviously thinking carefully about his next words.
My heart skipped a beat. I had a sinking feeling he was about to admit he knew who I was. On the other hand, if he did it would be liberating. I liked him. A lot. I didn’t want to pretend with him. I wanted to be one hundred percent honest.
Unless being honest chased him away. I didn’t know what I'd do if that happened. I met him two days ago, but already the idea of not being around him made my heart ache.
"Yes?" I prompted cautiously. "What am I?" I held my breath.
"You are you," he said finally. "You're amazing. If anyone should be a movie star or a model, it should be you." His face was a study in sincerity. He meant every word.
Clearly he saw something in me I couldn’t see in myself. Amazing was never a word I'd use to describe me.