Page 33 of Gareth

Everyone in my life had abandoned me in one way or another. My mother, even though she lived with me. My father, even though he spent almost every waking hour dictating me. My cousins, never once offering help when they witnessed the abuse. My supposed friends, children of allying families, who kept me at a distance because of my father’s historical rage.

I chewed on my lip, trying to push those thoughts away. Daisy, Brynn, and Savannah weren’t like that.

I was more than ready to get out of this dress, and I was almost feeling confident enough to ask for help?—

“I have to catch up on some work,” Gareth said, shutting down the thought immediately. “What are you going to do?”

“First thing I'm going to do is get out of this dress,” I said. “Then I'm thinking TV in bed.”

“What a rebellious angel,” he teased.

Gareth leaned closer to me, giving me another one of those soft forehead kisses. They were nice, but not exactly what I needed. “Don't wait up,” he said before heading toward his office.

I stood outside his door for a little too long, contemplating stomping after him and making him see me.

See me like he had that night a week ago. Like a flesh-and-blood woman instead of a delicate piece of glass he needed to protect. See me like he had when he’d texted me that night, guiding me straight into an orgasm, making me realize I truly had everything I needed to get myself off.

But I really did want to get out of this dress, and after so many nights of sleeping together without being touched, I was starting to believe that he didn't want anything more.

He’d certainly been fine after it, and it didn't seem to bother him much in the days since. Maybe it was only as world-shattering to me because I'd never experienced that before.

I contemplated that while changing into PJs and climbing into his giant bed. I turned on the TV, but after trying and failing to find a show that would distract me, I finally shut it off, and shifted lower in his bed. I shut my eyes, but sleep evaded me, my mind whirling with red-hot thoughts I couldn’t shake.

Gareth’s lips.

His teeth grazing my breast, marking me enough to show. The jolt of pleasure that rippled down my spine at the primal claiming.

Goodness, I couldn’t get him out of my head. Couldn’t get the ache to relax between my thighs.

I tossed and turned, finally kicking the covers off because my skin was too hot, too tight, too something. A throb pulsed between my thighs, a silent urging to be stroked, soothed.

Blowing out a breath, I glanced at the closed door. I hadn’t heard a whisper from the other side, Gareth clearly engrossed in his work across the house.

I was alone.

I could…explore. Attempt to ease this incessant need. To recreate what Gareth had so easily unleashed in me.

The moment the idea took shape in my mind, anticipation sparked in my veins.

I closed my eyes, trailing my hand over my breasts, pretending my fingers were his. I moved them lower, beneath my silk shorts, doing everything he’d instructed in those texts before.

Gareth’s scent surrounded me, only enhancing the fantasy as I imagined him above me, his massive frame settling between my legs as he kissed me. As he slowly inched himself inside me.

Every touch, every stroke, I felt him. Pictured him. I worked myself up in a way I never had before. I was consumed by thoughts of him and used every visual I’d treasured since we took our vows to push me closer to that edge.

The one I was desperate for him to fall over with me.



Alittle whimper sounded from inside my bedroom, and the fear of Serenity having another nightmare had me pushing through the door.

I stopped two steps in, another of her soft whimpers locking up every muscle I had.

My eyes adjusted to the darkened bedroom, only a few slivers of moonlight bleeding in through the slatted blinds over the windows across the room. The lines of silver draped over the bed, illuminating Serenity…

Her eyes were closed, her pink lips parted open as she moved on the bed, a hand buried beneath the silk of her shorts.