“I have a little bit of time.” Even if I didn’t, I still wouldn’t be in a hurry. After all, if I’ve learned anything since becoming an alien call girl, it’s that alien men aren’t so different from human men after all. The more money a male has, the less it matters to him if he pleases you, as long as he gets off.
“Good. There’s just one more place I want to stop in before we go. It’s almost time for my next client anyway.”
The store is dark, and it takes my eyes a moment to adjust before I realize where we are.
“Seriously, Cybele?” When I roll my eyes, she giggles and then pulls me over to a display of vibrators and dildos in all sizes, shapes, and colors.
“Hear me out,” she says and then picks up a lipstick-sized bullet. “You can use this to help yourself along if your client ends up being… less than desirable.”
It’s not like I haven’t thought about using something like that to help with… difficult situations. The Madame isn’t fond of her girls using toys or enhancers though, unless the clients specifically request them. But this would be small enough to conceal.
I pull my lower lip between my teeth, then snatch the bullet out of her hand. “If I get caught, I’m blaming you!” I warn her as I stomp across the shop to the counter.
Cybele lets out a soft snort as she follows behind me. “How do you think I get through half of my clients?” she whispers into my ear. “The best part of this,” she taps the bullet with a long finger, “is that it’s practically silent. He’ll never know you have it.”
“You are either a genius,” I tell her, “or completely evil.”
When I turn to glance over my shoulder at her, she’s got the biggest grin I’ve ever seen on her face that shows off her sharp teeth.
Evil. She’s definitely evil, I decide.
My eyes are wide, taking in everything I can as I follow my band of brothers through the pleasure station Lux. I’ve heard nothing but their excited chatter ever since realizing our latest bounty would take us past it, with enough time to spare a rotation or two to enjoy it.
“Madame Althea keeps the choicest pussy,” Bran tells me, slinging one of his four arms around my neck while gesturing ahead of us with another. “She has females and males of all species. I even heard she has a pure-blooded human.”
I nod along with him, although I’m not here to find a pleasure partner. I’m simply here alongside the males who have become my family. I was barely considered full grown when I made the decision to leave my home planet. Not because I was unhappy there, or because of any family strife—at least, not any more than the usual kind. There wasn’t a war or disaster. I left because it was simply what I needed to do.
Raised to let the spirits guide me, I woke one morning after a particularly vivid dream and let them choose the direction.
In the dream, I was in a place I’d never been before, looking out across the vastness of outer space. All around me were shadowy figures I knew were my family, but not the family I was born to.A family I would discover and who radiated love and happiness beyond anything I’d ever known. I knew at that moment I would need to leave my home in order to find my destiny.
That was tens of revs ago, and today I’m a male in my prime.
“I doubt she’s pure human,” Crank snorts, coming up behind us. The half-Pazit, half-Beiste male is built like a brick, and when he slaps a big hand between Bran’s shoulders, he nearly knocks the Dheanad off his feet. “She’s probably just a Vam’il with a high enough genetic ratio to pass as human.”
“That’s not what I heard,” Bran argues.
My mind wanders from the familiar bickering back to the station and all its gleaming glass and rounded metal. Vid screens flicker with tasteful advertising, designed to titillate and perk interest without coming across as vulgar.
The ground floor is filled with cafés and shops that line both sides of the concourse, much like any other space station. A glance up, however, reveals the dozens of floors that circle the spherical station, all the way to the soaring glass ceiling that projects a clear blue sky and wispy clouds instead of the inky darkness of deep space.
For a moment, I wonder what those floors hold. Living quarters and private rooms for entertaining is the likely answer. Just then, something colorful catches the corner of my eye, and I freeze in place.
Across the concourse, walking leisurely past the storefronts carrying bags filled with their purchases, is a pair of females. One is tall and pink, but it’s the shorter brown-skinned one that has my attention. She’s wearing a slim sheath-like dress splotched with various bright colors. A matching silk shawl is wound around her shoulders and through her arms. Straight black hair falls down her back in a silky curtain, the ends almost brushing the dip just above her round bottom.
My hands clench, suddenly aching to settle them around her wide hips. Goddess, I want to draw her ass back until it’s pressed against the claspers that line the sides of my hips. I want to rock my hips against her soft backside and show her how hard I am for her. Gritting my teeth, I imagine dragging her thick hair over her shoulder and exposing the side of her neck so I can bite her.
My eyes grow heavy as I imagine that she’ll smell like the sea, warm and salty. Her blood will be rich and metallic on my tongue when I mark her, warning all males that she has been claimed. That she is mine.
The pink female she’s with says something, and I watch her head tilt back with a laugh. The tinkling sound makes its way across the concourse to me, and I can’t think of ever hearing anything more pleasant.