Page 20 of Octavius's Oath



An entire country got destroyed because their prince fell in love.

With a woman he shouldn’t, and his lack of restraint cost his people everything.

This tragic poem proves one thing.

Our emotions and actions always have consequences.

And some of them are too high to pay even in multiple lifetimes.”



My hand on the steering wheel tightens, and I mutter, “You have to be kidding me,” when I get on the narrow road leading to the skyscraper shining under the beaming sun that transforms it into one of the most beautiful and luxurious buildings I’ve ever seen.

The massive structure seems to be made of glass due to all the windows, which probably creates a rather pleasant working environment. The view from up there must be magnificent. The big fountain right in front of it oozes water, bringing attention to the marble lion statue carved so precisely it seems even the lion’s whiskers move under the wind.

The neatly cut grass surrounds the perimeter while their company name flashes up.


Everything about this place, even from the outside, screams wealth and power. Which shouldn’t be surprising, considering it’s owned by a billionaire dynasty whose reputation might be less than stellar, but they have one talent remaining through generations.

How to make money, even out of nothing.

Parking the car near the entrance, I see a valet guy running to me, wearing a gray suit and white gloves while holding on to his hat. He opens my door, letting the frigid air in, and smiles at me, although it doesn’t reach his eyes. In fact, he can barely cover his shock as he sweeps his gaze over my beat-up car and my washed-up jeans with scuffed shoes.

In my defense, this is the nicest pair of jeans I own, along with the black sweater.

“Hello,” he greets me and extends his hand to me. “Welcome to Reed Enterprises.”

“Hi,” I say, grabbing my keys and phone and getting out of the car. “Do you have free parking here?” Who knows? Maybe they charge for it, and I’m sure it costs more than my monthly salary, so wasting money like this is not an option for me.

“No, ma’am. I’ll take care of it for you.” He splays his palm open once again, and I drop my keys in it and frown when the car honks from behind me.

“Move, lady.”

Ah, clearly whoever sits in his expensive sports car can’t wait.

I decide to ignore it. The last thing I need is some kind of scene in front of the building and having my ass kicked or, worse, banned.

“Be respectful, Mark.” My brow rises at the valet’s stern voice and the dagger he shoots the driver’s way. “Or else you won’t step another foot on this property.” He turns his attention back to me, and his smile returns while I try to process what just happened. Why is he defending me? “Your car will be here whenever you need it, ma’am.” With this, he hops inside and drives off while I just gape at him and shake my head.


Taking a deep breath, I walk toward the building and enter when the doors slide open.

Instant buzzing sounds surrounding me mix with light classical music, and hushed voices echo through the space.

Security guards are spread all over the place, occupying different corners and wearing casual clothes, presenting to be someone else, and if I wasn’t a police officer, I probably wouldn’t have noticed their assertive and drilling looks either. They scan every newcomer, and I can physically feel how they calculated how much trouble I can potentially cost them and if they should keep an eye on me.

The sun brightens up everything around me, the perfectly polished parquet flooring reflecting the light, and if I glance down, I can see my reflection.

I zero my gaze in on the administrative desk in the distance with various people sitting behind counters and answering phone calls, wearing headphones while machines beep around me, printing something every second, it seems.