Page 126 of Octavius's Oath


Octavius, 12 years old

“What are you doing?”

Flipping the book, I smile at Estella as she drops next to me near the fireplace, extending her hands toward the fire.

She must be cold. The fucker doesn’t allow for the house to heat properly because he’s a greedy bastard. Besides, if he has the chance to create more discomfort for us, he’ll never pass it up.

“Reading a book,” I tell her as I put it aside and grab the nearby blanket, covering her up. “It’s an epic poem.” She glances at the title. “The Iliad. It’s about the Trojan War.” Estella studies at our school, and although Wayne hates his own daughter, he’s anal about her education. So she was exposed to all the literature from an early age. Thank God she’s smart and learned to read easily; otherwise, he might have been even more cruel.

“Ah!” she exclaims, tapping on the book. “Where a prince fell in love and kidnapped someone’s wife.” She frowns. “You should never do that.”

“She was willing,” I remind her, but yeah. No one should kidnap anyone, period. “Yeah, and about all the brave warriors and gods participating in this war.”

“Who’s your favorite?” she asks, sitting up on her knees and leaning forward, picking up my hot chocolate mug to take a sip. Antonio made me this because Wayne is on a business trip; otherwise, I’d be drinking cold water. I’m surprised we even have chocolate in the house.


“Oh! The Trojan prince everyone adored.” She smiles and rests her cheek on my shoulder as she puts the mug back in my hand. “Because you’re a lot like him.”

The fire crackles, orange and blue flames mixing, creating even more warmth as the logs slowly disappear from our view. One of the most mesmerizing sights in the world for me as everything is powerless against the elements and nature. “What do you mean?”

“He always protected his brother.” She pats my back. “Like you do.”

I kiss the top of her head. “Always, Estella. No matter how old you are, I’ll always be there watching over you.”

She giggles. “Even when I marry a prince?”

“Even then. Because you’re my baby girl.” I tickle her with my free hand, and her laughter rocks off the walls, happiness spreading inside me at the sound of it because these are the rare moments of joy in our lives.

“And you’re my big brother. I love you, Octavius!” Another giggle. “I promise not to kidnap anyone’s husband, though.”

Before I can answer her, a voice speaks up, freezing us both. “Well, aren’t you two cozy?” Our heads swing to the right to see Wayne standing in the doorjamb to his office because it’s the only place we have a fireplace. My father designed it this way because he always felt cold and spent most of his time here. Wayne hates the office, though, and always keeps it locked. It was our little secret. “So that’s what everyone allows you to do while I’m away?” He steps inside and shuts the door. My stomach plummets, and I get up, my mind swirling, searching for escape routes.

He’ll find me anyway, but Estella is my top priority now.

He might even restrict toilet usage. He’s done that in the past until I couldn’t hold it in and pissed my pants as a child.

“It was my idea,” I tell him. “I brought us here.”

“Of course you did. Like to feel closer to your daddy, don’t you?” He removes his suit jacket while watching us like a hawk, trailing after our movements. “Too bad Daddy didn’t love you much either because he failed to protect you.” He chuckles. “It’s your curse, Octavius. No one loves you or will ever love you. Some people are just born unlovable.”

Estella laces her fingers with mine, her whole body trembling, and while I don’t react to his cruel jab, my soul weeps at how true it is.

If my own mother hates me, can I ever expect a stranger to love me?

Although I have my friends, especially Florian.

He loves me in his own way.

“Estella, go to your room.” He ambushes me in the most random of times. There is no rhythm to his sadistic cravings; however, he never touches his daughter. Not physically, at least. He won’t care if she is collateral damage, and I won’t allow it. “Go.” My voice turns harsh, and she springs into action.

My heart flips when Wayne stops her with a glare, and she swallows. “Anna’s mother called me.” Oh, fuck no. “Told me you enjoyed the birthday party.”

Wayne hates for Estella to have friends, so he never allows her to go to any birthdays. I wouldn’t go either if he had enough guts to go against Uncle Jacob. “I said she could.”

“Octavius here, always taking the blame.”