Page 119 of Octavius's Oath

Because I have no mercy for men like that.

I might be a monster.

But at least I kill my own kind, so no child sits in the corner and gives out silent screams begging for help while the people who are supposed to love them ignore their pleas.

There is no atonement for the likes of me.

I don’t look for it anyway.


“One of my favorite ancient Greek works was always Iliad by Homer.

How could it not be interesting?

A love story that divided even the gods.

Hector sacrificed everything for his country and brother, saving him when he should have allowed him to face the consequences of his decisions on his own.

That’s the tragedy of the situation, though, isn’t it?

Family should be the greatest source of our strength.

But sometimes family is our greatest downfall.”


Octavius, 12 years old

My eyes snap open as a hot rush travels through my veins, alerting me to something. Blinking the sleep away, I rise on the bed and look around, finding nothing out of the ordinary in the spacious room lit by the moonlight streaming through the window while owls hoot in the night.

A rustling next to me snags my attention. I adjust the blanket on Estella better while she hugs her stuffed bear tighter, rolling to her side, and I exhale in relief because she’s close to me.

I’ve been sleeping in her room for the past two years since Wayne started messing with her to get to me.

He’d lock her in various rooms while turning the lights off, give her the silent treatment, or just say shit to her that her seven-year-old self wouldn’t understand.

All because he enjoys watching her pain as it causes my own. The sadistic bastard loves to find new ways to mess with me. He’s determined to do what he hasn’t done in a long while.

Make me cry and see me beg, but fuck that shit.

And then I hear a barely audible whistling sound followed by the manic laughter that drips with anticipation and joy. It sends chills down my spine.

Jumping up from the bed, I throw away the blanket and shake Estella’s shoulder until her groggy eyes focus on me. “Wake up, baby girl.” I pull her upward while she blinks at me.

“Octavius?” she whispers. “What’s going on?”

Ushering her to get up, I practically drag her to the door and open it, peeking into the hallway and not seeing anyone.

However, the humming joins the whistles as the classical music echoes through the air, the demon’s favorite. According to him, only masterpieces deserve to see how he deals with a person who is the bane of his existence.

As he said, some children need to learn they were never wanted, just a means to an end, and they deserve punishment for daring to be born.

A complete psycho who has lost his damn mind. That’s who my stepfather is, although I detest the title. He isn’t my anything.

A monster who rules this mansion while his faithful subjects let him get away with all the evil things in order to survive.

Stepping outside, I motion with my head. “We need to go,” I tell her, grabbing her hand and turning us to the right. Her bear drops on the floor as we race through the hallways while my heart beats so hard I feel the pulse drumming in my ears.