Page 146 of Octavius's Oath

Ryder and Estella bring their children over for the weekends so they can interact with Braiden. He hates spending the night anywhere else but home, so this works for us. He loves his cousins, and although he’s still shy around them and sometimes just watches the triplets in shock due to all their antics, he’s happy in their company. And he really loves his aunt, staring at her in awe and touching her red hair.

She was the one who found him the speech therapist who teaches him sign language now. The therapist is optimistic about the odds of his diagnosis and thinks we can still hope for the best. He also has a psychologist, and during these sessions, he just draws or plays with toys. Some of the drawings are so horrific it’s hard to look at them.

My heart hurts thinking how the son of a bitch starved him, and on instinct, I hug him close, rocking him in my arms as the book slides to the floor. Braiden just wraps his arms tight around me, sighing. That’s his normal reaction to hugs. According to the psychologist, most kids in his situation would shy away from the contact, but he craves warmth, so we give it to him as much as we can.

He adjusted pretty well to our lives, and we’ll hire a tutor soon so they can teach him how to read and prepare for school. He seems excited enough. The whole family already says they will show up for his first day and be the first ones to attend all the functions.

Secretly, I think they do all these things Octavius wouldn’t let them do back in the day, pouring all their love on the child who never knew what it was and trying to bask him in so much attention it cures all the scars his soul bears. And how can I not be grateful for that? For the people who love my child as their own and promise to be there for him every step of the way.

It warms my heart how much they all accepted us as part of Octavius’s life in the past month and a half. After that magical night when Octavius and I confessed our feelings for each other, life has been unexpected bliss. Besides him going to work, we’ve been inseparable, exploring our relationship, newfound family, and life anew. He showed me his Chicago—the magnificent and luxurious buildings, private clubs, and helicopters—allowing me to appreciate the city from up high and study its details, falling in love right along with Octavius. We’d gone out on various dates and even had some get-togethers with Callum and Giselle. My best friend grew to like my husband but warned him that I’m not alone in this world and he should watch it.

Octavius found this amusing and endearing, so I think he likes Giselle now.

We couldn’t do the same with the other dark four couples.

Florian and Jimena’s situation blew up in everyone’s faces just as Octavius predicted, and let’s just say the outcome was so bad I wondered how Santiago didn’t kill him. Needless to say, it’s war between them now. Santiago and Remi don't talk to Octavius and Florian.

In fact, the environment is so hostile between them, it makes me question their friendship in the first place. Can you completely cut off people who you considered your best friends for simply one of them falling in love with your little sister?

Or maybe I’m protective over Florian. For what he had done for Octavius over the years, he has my loyalty—no offense to the Cortez family. I didn’t get much chance to know them, so I’m not eager to understand why their children act so weird.

Jimena got engaged to Florian’s cousin, and the wedding is in two weeks. None of us are invited, but something tells me Florian doesn’t need an invitation to crash the wedding.

Whatever works, I guess.

My husband also shared with me how he saved me all these years ago, and my heart fell for him all over again.

Octavius makes a lot of time for Braiden. They have their little bonding sessions where they go either to golf clubs or horseback riding. Braiden loves it all, and I think their father-son bond is growing nicely.

I would have considered myself the luckiest and happiest woman in the world, if not for the fact that we still haven’t caught the Church Killer. He’s been silent, hiding in the shadows ready to strike, and we both know he eventually will. One of the reasons Octavius has security on us all the time and even inserted tracking devices is so he can know where we are. I don’t mind his protection because it’s an extension of his love, and his obsession envelops me in a sense of belonging, serving as a soothing balm on all the wounds still healing inside my soul.

I’m no longer alone; I have him to slay all the dragons, and I can just lean on him and accept his power that shields me from all the evilness.

Braiden pulls at my sleeve, and I blink at him, grinning as he frowns and taps on the book again, asking to read it, when his stomach rumbles. “Someone is hungry.” He opens his mouth, smiling, and my chest contracts at seeing the joy in his eyes even though they are sometimes still clouded with sadness.

He pats his stomach and nods just as Antonio enters the living room. I think the old man has the best hearing among us all because the minute we utter a desire or a request, he’s here. I’m still not sure how I feel about the guy, but whatever. “The cook has prepared some chicken and chocolate chip cookies.” He waits a bit and adds, “Freshly baked.” Braiden jumps up from the couch and looks at me while Antonio continues, “We set the table in the kitchen for him. Would you like to eat now, or will you be waiting for Octavius?”

“I’ll wait for him.” I’m not hungry anyway, and the cook has some hidden agenda to feed me for centuries because he keeps cooking five-star hotel-worthy dishes every day. “Make sure he eats before you give him any sweets.” I laugh when Braiden frowns again and lean forward, kissing him on the cheek and hugging him close. “Go eat some food. I’m going to be there soon.” He squeezes me back and runs to the hallway as Antonio follows him, huffing and puffing, trying to keep up with his speed. He already complained that the boy might send him to an early grave, and Florian said he would add some money to Braiden’s trust fund if he managed that.

Antonio was not pleased. I found the offer hilarious, and yeah, maybe I’m mad at Antonio, after all, and don’t share my husband’s big heart when it comes to forgiveness.

I get up, stretching my back and welcoming the ache in my muscles. A smile dances on my lips, remembering how Octavius tortured me in the sweetest way last night until I couldn’t think about anything else but him.

My obsessive and possessive dark man who lights up my world like no one else.

Lampos adjusted to the new family dynamics and even acted territorial around Braiden, who never stays alone with him. He likes our company well enough and never even roars at us now. I think me bringing him food every chance I get warmed him up to us, and Braiden finds his presence soothing.

Walking to the terrace door, I open it wide and lift my face to the settling sun when an odd sense of panic hits me.

I tense and decide to go back inside, as such instincts usually mean nothing good to me, when a strong, gloved hand wraps around my throat and presses me hard against the wall, blocking me from view. Before I can scream, the masked person covers my mouth and orders, “Quiet. Or do you want your little boy to suffer as well?” I’m frozen on the spot, fear penetrating every bone in my body along with shock.

Because the person staring back at me…has the same gray eyes as mine.

That’s the last thought entering my mind as he presses on my throat so hard, everything goes blank.


I flip through the folder, studying our expenditure in various countries, when Todd’s voice speaks through the intercom, “Mr. Reed. You have a visitor.”