Page 131 of Octavius's Oath

“Oh, that’s nice,” Eve says as they step back, although she frowns. “We have aunts, though.” I barely hold back my laughter, but she shrugs. “You’ll be special because you’re Uncle O’s wife.”

“I’m not sure how my sister Davina will feel about it.” Tearing my gaze away from the kids, I look at the tall, dark-haired, brown-eyed man who oozes confidence and dominance. A very handsome man valued for his brilliant mind, and his classes are legendary. To get into them, you have to be truly the best because his ruthlessness leaves no place to be weak. “Ryder MacAlister. It’s nice to meet you.” His deep and husky voice sounds friendly, although warning laces his tone as he scans me from head to toe and lingers on the kids near me, which lets me know he knows I threatened to go to the police.

No man acts this protective over his family unless he has a reason, and well, Ryder and Octavius are a lot alike.

“Hi.” My gaze shifts to a stunning redhead next to him wearing the white dress, pointing out all her generous curves while her green eyes drill into me as if she tries to stare into my soul while several beats pass in silence.

They make quite a visual couple, and I don’t miss how possessiveness fills his gaze as he watches her, the lingering energy swirling around them while she stands close to him, their bodies brushing, and so much love pours from him it leaves no doubt this marriage is a happy one.

I mean…she hooked up with her professor in her first year, who’s fourteen years older than her. She even went against Octavius! I respect her for fighting for her love despite her soft-spoken nature, or so the reports say.

I’m not sure what I expect her to do, but she surprises me when she turns her attention to her brother and pokes him in the chest. “I really hate finding out about my brother’s marriage from someone else.” She sighs dramatically. “My own brother making me miss out on his wedding.” She motions with her head toward me. “Your bride would think I have a bad temper or something.”

“Who told on me?”

“Jimena. She called me right away to share the happy news.” She taps her foot on the floor. “Little did she know I had no idea about said news.” She sweeps his gaze over him. “Why didn’t you call?”

“Jaxon was getting married. Didn’t want to steal his thunder.” Ryder barks a laugh, and Estella glares at him. “The poor guy has suffered enough.” He snaps a finger his brother-in-law’s way. “Tell him we all enjoyed watching that video Callum took of his bride hauling ass from the church.”

“We left New York in haste, so you stole it anyway,” Ryder says and shrugs. “I’m glad, though. The ceremony was getting on my nerves.” I’m surprised he even attended it. Now that I think more on all the information I’ve gotten on them, he is Jaxon MacAlister’s half-brother and, well…their mother hated her husband’s bastard. A lot of history there, but they must have made up after all. “He says hi, by the way, and trust me, he’ll find a way to delete that video.”

“Who cares about Jaxon right now?” Estella hisses. “I’m disappointed, Octavius Keneth Reed.”

“Why are you using my full name?”

“Because I’m mad, that’s why!”

“Oh, so for the dramatic effect?”

They have a long stare-off, and finally, Octavius grins, trapping her chin. “Smile, princess.” She slaps it away, opening her mouth to argue, but whatever she says comes off muffled as he hugs her, rocking her in his arms while Ryder leans against the wall, rolling his eyes. “I promise you, you won’t miss any other important occasions in my life,” he whispers, kissing the top of her hair, and she sighs, returning his embrace. Watching them now makes me miss one thing I never knew I was missing.

What is it like to have such a loving older brother who’d do anything in order to protect you? Who serves as a shield from the outside world so nothing and no one can hurt you?

Who allows you to make your own choices even if he disagrees with them?

And finally…

What is it like to have a brother who never makes you feel lonely because you have him?

Just yesterday, I thought Octavius was a cold-blooded murderer, but he seems to have more love in his life than I ever did, and I wonder why he even chose me as his woman?

I bring nothing to this marriage.

No family, no connections, and no money.

Even his sister married a billionaire from a powerful clan.

Estella steps back from Octavius and wiggles her finger at him. “Don’t think I trust your promises. I’m watching you,” she warns him and then once again focuses on me, this time her plump lips are stretched in a wide smile while warmth fills her gaze. “Hi! Welcome to the family.” I have no time to reply as she squeezes me hard, her vanilla scent tickling my nose. “I’m so happy for my brother,” she whispers into my ear and palms my head. “You’re very pretty.”

I’m starting to think the Reed siblings have a warped sense of beauty.

“Thank you. You’re stunning.” Her cheeks heat. “And please don’t be angry with Octavius. Our marriage wasn’t in his plans either.”

She snorts. “My brother is nothing but a planner. Trust me, he knew.” Another glare is thrown his way. “So I want to know all the details. Including why someone showed you my brother’s true colors so he had to blackmail you into this marriage.”

I'm not sure what’s more disturbing, her breezy attitude toward the whole thing or how it doesn’t bother me much anymore.

I’m starting to get on board with their collective madness.