But it’s not the curly, white-haired sixty-five-year-old on the other side; it’s Dante.

I yank the door open, “The fuck are you doing here, Dante?”

“You’re needed,” he states, though his casual stance betrays no urgency. His shoulders are relaxed as he cranes his neck, attempting a peek inside.

“And you couldn’t have called?” I challenge.

He shrugs, a goofy grin spreading across his face. “And miss the chance to catch a glimpse of the witch?”

“Scusa?” I say, as my hands curl into fists, because what the fuck was that?

Dante smiles and shrugs again. “Hey, you going back to the same woman over and over again? Pretty sure only a spell could explain that, fratello.”

I give him a wry smile. “Very funny.”

“Nico?” Sophie calls, coming out of the bathroom. Without turning around, I can envision her there, her body glistening wet, wrapped in a towel that barely covers her from the upper swells of her breasts to just below the apex of her thighs.

“Whoa! Now I get it,” Dante says under his breath, and I have to fight the urge to cock back and deck him—a response that would alarm Sophie, who isn’t accustomed to our brand of loving.

“Tongue back in your mouth, Dante,” I warn him quietly, gritting my teeth

Since when did I give a flying fuck who caught a glimpse of my woman?

Then again, there’s never been a scenario of ‘my woman’ before. Before, it’s always been casual fucks. Temporary amusements.

“Oh, hi,” comes Sophie’s voice, now close behind me. She stops short upon noticing who’s at the door. Thankfully, I note she's wrapped in a robe rather than just a towel.

“Buongiorno, Signorina,” Dante says, turning his attention—and his charm—on Sophie. Fucking wonderful.

“You must be Dante,” she deduces, her smile warming. Despite never having met him, the resemblance between us is unmistakable.

He nods, clearly caught off guard. “Nico mentioned me?”

“Not exactly,” she counters smoothly, a playful glint in her eyes. “Vitelli men just have a knack for appearing at my doorstep.”

“We can’t seem to help ourselves,” Dante chuckles, and I really want to slug him, except that I see he’s going to great lengths to keep his gaze above her neckline.

Sophie laughs. “Well, this is already going smoother than my first encounter with your brother.”

“I more than make up for my brother’s lack of charm.” Then the psycho adds, “And I’m way more harmless.”

“All right, that’s enough of that bullshit. You came here for a reason, Dante?”

“Si,” he says, almost tentatively, looking warily back and forth between Sophie and me.

Sophie rolls her eyes. “Right. I’ll just go into the kitchen and stick my fingers in my ears. Is that far enough, or should I crank up some music too?”

Dante and I laugh, but as she turns to leave, I grab her arm and pull her back, just long enough to kiss her.

“I’ll just be a minute, fiammetta,” I say, and I don’t stop her this time as she heads for the bedroom rather than the kitchen.

It’s not until she closes the bedroom door behind her that I realize I’ve been watching her the whole time. Christ, this is getting out of hand. I turn back to see Dante, his face devoid of humor.

“You’ve got it so fucking bad, Don Vitelli,” Dante muses, shaking his head at me. “That can’t be healthy. Or safe. Or convenient considering Orlando De Luca.”

I could lie, but what’s the point? “Tell me about it,” I say, shaking my head to clear it. “But that’s a problem for another day. Why are you here, Dante?”

There’s an almost sinister glee in his smile. “You wanted to know as soon as we have the worm pinned down. We do. It’s tomorrow night.”