“There’s no need for that,” I reply. “We agreed on a Vitelli, and a Vitelli you shall get. Besides, we must respect the wishes of our daughters, don’t we, Signor De Luca?” I continue, noting the intense relief on Orlando’s face. “As for Dante, how could he refuse? Even Aphrodite herself should be envious of Alina’s beauty and grace.” I flash him a genuine smile, stretching out my left hand to him.

“Don Vitelli. You are indeed an honorable man. I am indebted to you.” He bows low, kissing the signet ring on my outstretched hand.

Orlando leaves as both a loving father and a satisfied and loyal Capo, while I’m suddenly free of my obligation. And Dante, well, he’s now landed himself a wife. It’s a win-win-win situation.

I just need to find a way to break the good news to him.

“De Luca looks happy as a clam.” Dante returns to my side, leaning against the metal desk.

“He’s getting what he wants: A Vitelli son-in-law, and I have his loyalty.”

Dante folds his arms, his thumb stroking his jawline thoughtfully. “Since he’s going to be family, maybe you could convince him to leave the smuggling and counterfeiting business and move to Voltex.”

Voltex is the recently acquired lithium-ion plant and one of the fully legitimate Outfit businesses.

“And kick him out of a job? No can do, Dante. I’m not about to groom another rebellion.”

“I don’t see what he’d have to fucking complain about. He’ll be handling one of the most profitable businesses on God’s green earth. In addition to being your father-in-law.”

Yours, actually, I think to myself. Dante has no qualms about handling the dark, violent edges of our lives without qualms. Yet deep down, he wants something better. In a way, he reminds me of Sophie. Although, to be honest, every fucking thing seems to remind me of Sophie these days.

“Dante,” I say, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “You forget what men like Orlando De Luca are made of. He needs the darkness, the depravity. It’s like putting a saltwater fish in fresh water and wondering why it can’t appreciate the cleaner environment.”

“Are you saying you would not have banned Romano’s narcotics like Father did?”

I shrug, turning the question back to him. “Would you have, Dante?”

“Hell fucking yes! Left to me, we would be legitimizing all Outfit businesses. And I know you want to kick out the illegal businesses too, Nico.”

I smile, loving Dante’s fire. “You’re right, I do. But remember, the Outfit isn’t just you and me. It’s those other men and their families. So instead of forcing them to do what you want, we need to get them to see that they want the same things.”

“I don’t have patience for that!”

I laugh, ruffling his long wavy mane, something he’s hated since we were boys. “I know. You’d rather drop the proverbial horse’s head on their beds.”

“Get off me,” he elbows my side, and I respond with a hard shove to his head, which sends him stumbling a few steps before he catches himself, springing back toward me with a punch that I easily dodge.

“What happened to your reflexes, fratello?” I taunt. “Too many nights drowning in red wine?” Red wine is my euphemism for the woman who broke his heart a while back.

“Asshole!” Lightning fast, his fist catches me swiftly on the jaw before I can duck, snapping my head sideways. Dante has an inch on me in height, but I’ve always been faster with my hands.

Must be the rage driving his reflexes today. Why is he still so angry, though? It’s been, what, two years? Maybe Alina is just what he needs to forget this woman.

I put my hands up in surrender, then go to hug him. “Okay fine. I’m sorry.” He shoves me, but then pulls me in. Within seconds, we’re both laughing again.

I start to broach the marriage topic, but before I can open my mouth, he deflects and instead asks, “Nico, that MC club up in San Diego County.” He hesitates, then continues, “That federal agent.”

I straighten instantly, losing the goofy brother and adopting the Don persona. It’s a change that usually throws Dante off any topic I’m unwilling to discuss with him. This time though, he doesn’t relent.

“You said it was a problem you couldn’t deal with, Nico. And you still won’t let me or anyone else sort it out.”


“Does it have anything to do with that woman you spared?”

I cut him a look and see that his smirk is back. I sigh, suddenly weary of acting like I’m not in trouble where Sophie is concerned. “The MC club and federal agent—they’re her family.”

“That Cade Quinn is her family?” Dante looks like he’s eaten something bad.