“Grazie. By the way, have these plates checked out for me, will you?” I repeat the numbers although something tells me the plates won’t lead anywhere.

I disconnect the call as I speed toward the docks.

I survey the ten men arrayed in a wide semicircle around the metal desk I’m propped against in the otherwise empty warehouse. Every one of them is a vital cog in the extensive network of businesses and families that make up the Outfit, each also responsible for defending it by any means necessary.

“Romano’s audacity has reached new heights,” I say to them. “We’re all aware of the Leo situation. What I’m going to say next is something I never thought I’d be saying to you, but desperate times are upon us, so here goes,” I shift, looking straight at each of them as I continue to speak.

“Let Leo’s fate be a lesson in stupidity. Remind your soldiers: there’s no greener pasture elsewhere. A rat remains a rat, no matter the side of the fence. Anyone wants to get out of this life, buy your own fucking body bag and lie in it. Don’t bring your families into it. Understood?”

Solemn nods of assent come from each of the men.

“Great. Now, onto our strategy. What do we have?”

Dante steps forward. “It’s confirmed: Romano’s aligning with the Mexicans. Our best chance to eliminate him is now before he becomes—frankly—too powerful for us to handle.”

Pietro clears his throat. “But why is Romano so fixated on trafficking that he’d risk everything to side with the Cartel?”

Enzo, the rail-thin Capo who took over Leo’s position in arms dealing, pipes up, “Pietro, you’re overlooking the narcotics. Romano is after a slice of the Cartel’s drug trade, which means diving into their trafficking operations.”

True. Narcotics have sustained the Romano family for generations. My father’s sudden decision to purge the Outfit of narcotics stripped Romano of his family honor and livelihood, and led to his rebellion.

I step in, eager to conclude, “Anyway, it’s time to settle this once and for all. Dante is right; we don’t have time. Romano’s soldier had the drop on me when he took out Leo. It’s only a matter of time before Romano starts regretting that the fucker didn’t aim a little to the left.”

“He’s probably regretting it already, fratello,” Dante quips, prompting laughter from the room.

“Salvatore?” I summon the youngest Capo. He still has a small bandage over his right ear, but otherwise, he looks impeccable in his suit. His skills in tech and espionage is crucial for our planning.

“Sì, Signore?”

“You and Dante should come up with a road map in the next two weeks. I want Romano in a place where we can swiftly put him in the ground along with his Capos, in the shortest possible time. A place that will have no innocent civilians.

“Done.” Salvatore smiles, I can tell he’s already excited at the prospect.

After wrapping up other matters, I signal for the men to disband.

Orlando De Luca approaches as the men leave, his agility belying his robust build. Though in his early fifties, he looks about a decade younger.

“Don Vitelli,” he greets with a respectful nod. His ever-present toothpick is nowhere to be found today.

“Signor De Luca,” I return the greeting. “How’s Alina?” I make myself ask, cringing inwardly because I don’t really give a fuck.

Dante leers at me from behind De Luca. I owe that little shit a nice butt kick just for that stupid look.

“Alina is… as strong-willed as you can imagine. Children nowadays think they know more than you. What can you do as a father except to guide and love them?”

My fake smile falters. Something about De Luca’s tone concerns me. That’s the first time he mentions Alina being strong-willed. Orlando is a seasoned Capo who knows how to choose his words. He knows that such traits aren’t touted in talks of arranged marriages.

“Is everything alright, Orlando?”

Orlando cocks his head to the side, indicating he wants a private audience.

“Fratellino give us five minutes, will you?” I catch Dante’s gaze.

As soon as Dante leaves, Orlando starts to speak in very cautious tones, as though he’s trying his best not to offend his young, hot-tempered boss. I initially thought the problem was that Alina wasn’t interested or ready to get married.

It turns out that Alina is eager to be married, just not to me. She wants Dante, much to Orlando’s dismay. And to my intense relief.

“Once again, I am terribly sorry, Don Vitelli. But it’s just a minor setback. I will talk to her.” Orlando promises.